"wait, what? guys! we have to rehearse for the dance this is our first gig" julie tried but they were already gone "millie, why did you do that?"

amelia looked at her friend "jules, someone they trusted stole their songs, songs of which must be relatively personal to luke. i'd want revenge if someone stole my songs"

"but they can't just haunt him" julie said "and they have new songs with us"

"i know, but that's for them to figure out, they'll be at the dance" amelia said "they wouldn't let us down"

"we need to go and make sure they don't do anything too drastic!" julie said, amelia just sighed in agreement, knowing her friend wouldn't back down

flynn walked back into the garage with an apple and clapped her hands "okay boys, break times over, mama needs her eye candy"

"they've gone. we just unleashed some angry ghosts into the world" julie said

"worse than the ollie incident"


"oh wow, let's go!"


amelia,flynn and julie made their way over to trevors mansion, having to navigate their way over the security fence, which they seemed to have added barbed wire to.

they snook over the driveway and over to the front door, where amelia pushed the doorbell. much to her dismay, the door was pulled open by none other than her ex boyfriend. "what are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same thing" amelia scoffed "last time i checked you didn't live here"

ollie rolled his eyes "carrie, there is three losers at your door"

"how did you get over the security gate?" carrie asked

"team work"

julie held her hand up "do you have a band aid, the barbed wire is new?"

"what do you want?" carrie asked

"just thought you should know that julie and amelia's band is playing at the dance tonight" flynn answered "now you know"

"oh my, another opportunity for amelia to mess up in front of everyone" ollie looked smug

julie and flynn looked as if they wanted to wipe that smile off his face, and amelia just fiddled with her hands.

"you guys are acting weird" carrie rolled her eyes

julie nodded "probably because we are thirsty. can we come in for a glass of water?"

carrie sighed and opened the door wider "fine if it'll make you leave faster" with that her and ollie strutted away

amelia hesitated "actually, i think i'm gonna head home, i don't really want to be in the same room as him, and if i were to guess savannah is in there too. i'll see you at the dance tonight"

julie sent her an understanding look, while flynn smiled "see you tonight" they chorused before stepping inside and closing the door

amelia made her way out to the car with a sigh and started to drive home. she made her way into the house and found her parents sat on the sofa, her mom was knitting and her dad was reading the paper.

"hey honey, your home earlier" her mom said being the first to notice her

amelia made her way to the couch "yeah, erm julie had to speak to carrie and ollie was there"

"oh don't worry, i'm sure if he's hanging out with carrie and that savannah he's obviously downgrading from you" mitch told her

"mitch" emily scolded slightly

mitch held his hands up "it's true"

amelia giggled slightly before glancing at the clock on the wall "it's almost 6, i should probably start getting ready for the dance"

"okay sweetheart, if you need anything just shout" emily told her

"yes mama" amelia grinned before walking up the stairs

she walked into her room, jumping slightly noticed that the three ghosts had made their way into her bedroom. she immediately connected her phone to her speaker and shuffled her playlist. "what are you guys doing here?"

"julie told us about what oliver said" luke said venomously, the full name sounding weird to amelia after calling her ex, ollie for as long as she could remember

amelia shrugged "it's nothing, did you scare trevor, or bobby, whatever you wanna call him?"

"hell yeah we did" reggie grinned

"okay, so i'm sure julie gave you a lecture, but you do promise to be at the dance tonight right?" amelia checked

"we promise" alex nodded making amelia nod

"so, help me chose what to wear" she said opening her closet, singing quietly to the song that was playing

alex stood up and walked over to the closet, declaring he was the best for choosing, while luke managed to get into her phone and started to look through her songs. "this is what you listen to?"

"hey, don't slate taylor swift" amelia pointed at him "she is iconic"

"she did some good country music" reggie agreed

"i used her inspiration to write the song drivers license, i played last week" amelia explained rapping along to the beat "you are somebody that i don't know, and your taking shots at me like it's patrol and i'm just like.."

"damn, it's seven am" reggie finished

amelia laughed loudly at him, while luke just stared at him in disbelief. alex was still rummaging through her closest but then he suddenly popped out, exclaiming "perfect!"

"what have you got there alex?" amelia grinned

alex pulled out a long sleeved black top, and then green camo dungerees "but this on, and leave your hair down, it'll be super cute"

"oh my gosh that's perfect! i can wear my docs with it! thanks lex!" she grinned grabbing the outfit and running out into the bathroom to get changed

10 minutes later amelia ran back into her bedroom and did a little spin for the ghosts. alex grinned at her "super cute!"

"you look gorgeous" reggie smirked at her

amelia's eyes widened as she blushed "thank you" she glanced down at her watch "i should probably get going"

"see you later, lia" luke smiled at her

amelia bounced out the bedroom, with slight nerves about performing. she got as far as the top of the stairs before realising she forgot her keys. she ran back into her bedroom to grab her keys, noticed that the three ghosts were snooping in her song book. "you guys are so lucky i love you"

"what can we say, we're loveable" luke shot her his playful smirk

"whatever, anyway i'm actually leaving this time" amelia grabbed her keys "don't be late"

"we won't"

famous last words...

𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 ~ 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔Where stories live. Discover now