₊˚ପ⊹Chap 2: Blood..

Start from the beginning

"You gotta stay strong! Just hang on! Please!" He cried until tears fell on him and from his side.

He saw me and Nezuko crying. Some guy was about to slice me and Nezukos head off until Tanjiro grabbed both of us and ducked down with us having his hair chopped off.

We rolled until we hit a tree. Tanjiro was hugging Nezuko and me. "Why are you protecting them?" He asked Tanjiro.

"Ones my sisters and the others my lover! I was taking them to get help!" He told the man. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro called for her
Nezuko started acting up and I was about to but I stopped myself some how helping Tanjiro pull Nezuko back.

"You call those things your sister and lover?" The raven haired asked. The man charged to us and Tanjiro tried protecting us but failed.

The raven haired got us, I was mad. "(Y/N!) Nezuko!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Don't move!" The man yelled to him. "My job is to slay every demon I find. Which means I have to decapitate your lover and sister here." "No wait!" "They haven't hurt anyone! Back at my house, there was another sent I'd never smelled before! That's probably the one, who killed my family! They didn't do it! I don't know why they've changed into something like this. But still-"

"It's really quite simple. They've turned because there wounds were exposed to demon blood. That's how the man-eating misters multiply." The raven explained.

"They would never eat a human!" Tanjiro yelled "You must be joking. If I haven't gotten here when I did. They've would have devoured you." "You're wrong! They wouldn't hurt me! They know that I'm there brother and lover! And I won't let the, hurt anyone! I'll turn them back into humans! I WILL heal them!" Tanjiro cried.

"They can't be healed, once you become a demon. No one can ever turn back." The man argued back. "There's a way! And I'll find it, no matter what it takes. So please let them live! I'll hunt down the one who slaughtered my family! I promise I'll make everything right! Please! Just let them go! Please don't do this!" Tanjiro screamed.

Now I was real mad, I was the one acting up the same as Nezuko. "I'm begging you." Tanjiro cried on his knees "Please. Don't kill them.. please don't do it. I'm begging you." He cried.

The raven haired got mad, "DON'T GROVEL LIKE THAT AND GIVE YOUR ENEMIES THE CHANCE TO KILL YOU!" He yelled. Tanjiro gasped "ALL YOU'RE DOING IS MAKING YOURSELF VULNERABLE! If it were even a little bit effective YOUR FAMILY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW. How can a weakling like you have ANY hope of finding a way to heal his lover and sister OR hunt down a demon?! DON'T BE RIDICULOUS. The weak have no rights. They don't get to make choices! All they can do is BE RELENTLESSLY CRUSHED BY THE STRONG! Now. Maybe the demons know of a way to cure your lover and sister. MAYBE! But don't this for even a moment that any one of them is going to respect your wishes. JUST LIKE I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOU! That's reality. And why the hell did you throw yourself over them like that? Was that your way of protecting them? Why didn't you swing that hatchet? And why would you ever turn your back to me? Those mistakes are what led to their capture! I could have easily just skewers the both of you and been don't with it!" The raven finished.

Third person POV

(Y/N) and Nezuko were still acting up. Tanjiro was crying. The raven was thinking. "No!" Tanjiro cried to the raven.

(Y/N) got stabbed in the shoulder. Nezuko got stabbed in the shoulder. They shrieked in pain.

"Don't you touch them!" Tanjiro yelled as he threw a rock at the raven. He went behind a tree and threw another rock, then ran with the hatchet. "You are a fool!" The raven said before hitting him in the back with the hilt of the sword. He landed right in front of (Y/N) as her and Nezuko gasped. "Huh? What happened to the hatchet?" Then gasped and looked up seeing that hatchet almost kill him. He barely had anytime to react. (Y/N) and Nezuko got out of the ravens grasp and ran for Tanjiro. Nezuko protecting him and (Y/N) holding him in her arms like a hugging protective thing.

Both (Y/N) and Nezuko got knocked out by the raven. Tanjiro woke up and grabbed two haoris that were on both sides of him.

Tanjiro looks left and right to see Nezuko and (Y/N) with a bamboo gag. "You awake?" The raven asked him. Tanjiro got up and hugged both Nezuko and (Y/N) protectively.

"Get to mount Sagiri as soon as possible. Look for an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki when you find him, tell him Giyu Tomioka sent you. It's cloudy, so they seem to be alright at the moment. But never let them be exposed to sunlight." And with that, he disappeared.

They went back to the house and held a Burial for the others. Nezuko and (Y/N) on each side of Tanjiro as he prayed.

"Let's go" he told the two girls, Tanjiro held the girls hands and started walking with them. They paused real quick and looked back.

Tanjiro faced forward and started running with the two girls.

Ahhhh my hands hurt! Ima try to be updating as much as I can! I'm also not to well right now sadly but yeah. Bye!

1454 words

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