Lion Tribe

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Dark. Lonely. Stinky.

Barog lays alone inside Dinosaur's stomach, petrified by the digestive enzymes coming his way. He whispers to himself, "I can do this, I know I can." Barog suddenly comes up with an ideal; "Since it is green inside the crocodile, maybe this is where the green gem is!"

The noble warrior takes a deep breath and walks through the giant stomach. The stomach acid makes way for him, due to his glamourous nobility. Soon enough, Barog finds the first infinity gem of Cheema. Using the green gem, Barog teleports out of Dinosaur's stomach safely.

Outside, Barog questions, "I thought this one controlled time..."

The menacing Dinosaur replies from behind, "Things don't work like that around these parts. We only talk in bootleg, thus things will be jumbled up."

Barog quickly snaps, "I don't care, go away." The brave Lion shows the green gem to the nasty crocodile, obliterating him out of existence with the shiny reflections. He then continues venturing through the jungle.

Along the way, Barog stumbles into a Gorilla. The Gorilla enthusiastically greets, "Hello, I am Monke. We have to defeat Eagle."

Barog replies without question, "Sure, let's attack the Eagle."

Soon enough, Barog and Monke become ambushed by a dozen self-cloning birds. Barog screams, "Eagles! We have come to defeat you!"

Hearing this, the birds become enraged, "We are Ravens you fool!" The Ravens start attacking the 2 warriors, however Monke and Barog effortlessly vanquish them all. 

Monke screeches, "There's something there!" Barog looks at the ground, to find a gold gem. It is the gold gem of Cheema. 

Barog snatches the gem and takes it. He tells himself, "I need to test this out." He looks around, seeing there is no one in sight, besides Monke. Barog starts eyeing Monke suspiciously.

Suddenly, Barog points the gold gem at Monke, erasing him from reality. Barog confusedly voices, "Oops."

After walking across the jungle for more time, a sudden epiphany occurs to Barog, "From henceforth I shall call myself... Lion Tribe."

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