宁荣荣 Ning Rongrong

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Ning Rongrong starred by Ding Xiaoying

WuHun:Qibaoliulita(The seven towers{which later mutated into a nine tower thanks to Tang San})

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WuHun:Qibaoliulita(The seven towers{which later mutated into a nine tower thanks to Tang San})

Family:Her father is Ning Fengzhi, The current president or Top Dog of the seven families, and possibly likes Ou Sika back(I mean he nearly died for her several times, and even when infront of death he chose to protect her)

Spirit rings:1)Yellow 2) Yellow 3) Purple 4)Purple

Actress:The actress who played Ning Rongrong is Ding Xiaoyin who previously acted in dramas like The Golden Hairpin and You Are So Sweet 

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