Tending to his wounds

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Basked in the fluorescent moonlight, you looked ethereal. Though you were unaware of the soft gaze with nothing but love and adoration that rests on your figure, as you quietly tended to the cuts and injuries present on his body.

"Toji, it's gonna hurt a bit, stay still." You frowned, looking at the injuries which are not fatal, but stilled pained your heart. You gently dabbed the cotton soaked in alcohol on his wounds, brushing your fingers on his muscles. When he flinched as the cotton came in contact to his bleeding wound, you put your other hand onto his palms and gently rubbed circles. My god. Your gentle gestures while tending to his wounds are driving him crazy, he loved you so, so much, especially when you treat his injuries. He loved that you are always there for him, always treating him like there is nothing more precious than him in the world, even though you are well aware of his capabilities.

"That's why I said, to be careful! You are insanely strong, I know, but even if you have the cursed spirit aiding you, you can still get hurt. Don't be too reckless, okay? Seeing you injured makes me incredibly worried." You half scolded him, trying to sound mad, but it came off as a soft and worrying tone. Toji loved these moments, when you are gently tending to his wounds, when you are so worried about him that you might cry, when you are lightly scolding him to not be too reckless, yet you can't even be mad at him. He will never admit it you, that he sometimes, just sometimes, will be extra reckless during his fights to get a few cuts so you could tend to him later. After properly disinfecting and wrapping him up in bandages, you stood up and ruffled his locks, reassuring him that he'll be fine, a love gesture  which he adores so much. He hummed at the warm of your hands on his face, tenderly caressing him.

As you turned around to pack up the medical supplies, pulling your hand away from him, you feel a strong tug on your wrists, only to fall onto a muscular figure, wrapped tightly into his embrace. His muscular arms wrapped your whole body into him, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck and resting on it. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, rubbing circles on his back, assuming that he's tired and somewhat stressed. You hummed a soft melody while brushing his back, hoping to make him feel better as you feel the arms on your waist tighten.

Toji doesn't want to let you go. He loved you dearly, and if anything, he's the clingy one. He is insanely powerful, yes, but deep down he still has an unspoken fear that one day, he might not make it back to you. He wants to shower you in affection whenever he's with you, but he's always the one who gets showered in your affection instead- not that he minded it. You love gestures are enough to show just how much you love him, even if you might not frequently express it verbally. He holds you tightly in his embrace, as if the world had nothing but just you two, as if there is nothing more dearly than you in this world. He promised to himself, that he'll return the mutual feelings and affections a hundred times stronger.

"It's alright Toji, you'll be fine." You whispered softly, placing a small kiss on his forehead. Oh, Toji knows he'll be fine, with you in his arms.

 Oh, Toji knows he'll be fine, with you in his arms

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a/n: Thanks for reading. It's my first time giving a shot at writing a fanfic, I hope it didn't turn out terrible or boring. I'm just so in love with Toji. Also, sorry for any grammatical errors.

Tending to his wounds (Fushiguro Toji x Reader Oneshot!)Where stories live. Discover now