what are you doing here?!

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•Meanwhile, at Earth, boboiboy and the others•

Biboiboy yaya ochobot and Gopal were sitting in tok aba's coco shop until they heard Ying calling their names and running towards them.

"HEEEYY!!!! BIBOIBOY! "Ying came there running fast and stopped infront of them. "What's the matter Ying? What happened?" Biboiboy asked her. "I-I saw him!" "You saw Who?" Yaya asked confused.

"He.... he's on earth!".

"Who!?" Biboiboy said. "F-Fang!!" Ying nearly yelled "What!? He's on earth!?" Gopal choked his hot chocolate.
"What's he doing here?" Yaya asked. "I-I don't know, but he needs help!" "Wha....What happened to him!?" Biboiboy asked. "come here guys." Ying said before leading them.


"Haunted House?..." Gopal mumbled. "Yes, he's inside if I surely saw him coming inside...." Ying said before going inside the ghostly house.

Ying lead them to a room. "He's inside?" boboiboy asked. "yes, he should be inside"
Ying opened the door and everyone gasped.

They saw a sight of of mixed emotion in a little boy sitting in a corner of the room hugging his legs and sobbing quitely.

Boboiboy ran to Fang and quickly hug him."Hey buddy, anything wrong!? What happened!? What are you doing here like this!?" He asked being panicked out.

"Wha—.....What are you guys doing here!?" Fang asked being shocked looking at biboiboy, yaya ,ochobot ,Ying and Gopal.

"what are we doing here!? You Should say that what are you doing here!" Ying asked fang with mix of anger and worry.

"I..... I was.... just...." Fang muttered. "Just what!? Who did this to you?". "Tell us,and don't give us any false drama..."Gopal's voice was quite muted. "Sh!"yaya smacked Gopal.

"N-Nothing. Nothing, just- My captain, he was just angry. So I decided to stay away for a while." Fang said, hiding the fact that he doesn't want to go back.  "WHAT?"everyone yelled.

"N-NO! I'm all fine alone! Really!" "You stupid little alien! You think you're fine!? You are sick!" Ying shouted.

Fang's cheeks slightly turned red. "Boboiboy, let go of me- and Ying, thanks for caring." Boboiboy realised that he was still wrapping his arms around him. "OH! Sorry—"

"Anyways, why did your brother throw you out?"  Boboiboy asked while careing fang's hairs. "Will you stop that? I said I'm fine!" Fang growled, taking boboiboy's hand down.

"Hey! We're just trying to help!" Yaya said. "Yes-? But-" "Shh!!! You're coming with us!" Boboiboy said. "Okay."

•At Kaizo's spaceship•

"Captain.....Fang is missing!" Lahaph said running towards kaizo. "Huh!? He's missing?" kaizo look at lahaph being shocked. "I am sorry to say this, captain...but you were too harsh with him last time. Maybe he ran away,"  Kaizo looked down, being full silent.

"Captain?" Lahaph mumbled while walking towards kaizo.

"Huh?...l-let him go....I.....think he's upset, but he will be fine, don't worry...".

"I know you were trying to make him strong, but you're mentally hurting him....and also physically...." At lahaph's words, kaizo froze. "He'll be fine, now go away."

"Okay captain...."


"I should go lookout for him...." Kaizo whispered.


I'm looking at the vote button.

Not Coming Back For YOU ( Biboiboy,fang and kaizo)[Completed!]Where stories live. Discover now