Chapter Eight Part 1 of 2

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I giggled and pushed through the crowd stumbling. Yup you guessed it...I'm at a club. After hours, I had convinced Alex and Sicily to sneak me out of the pack house and to a club.
Needing and escape from all the drama my life is going through, I decided to get drunk for the first time. I've seen so much people do it so it can't be THAT bad...
Apparently I don't get drunk easily. Even for a werewolf! It took me ten shots of tequila and three beers to get tipsy!
I was currently on the dance floor grinding on some guy, letting all my troubles fade. Of course even slightly drunk, I couldn't ignore my wolf growling inside of me. She kept repeating something but I didn't care enough to pay attention.
The guy put his face in my neck and sniffed, before grinning at me. He turned his face to me and I felt my eyes grow wide as I sniffed and smelt that he wasn't human, but a rouge.
I tried to push away without causing a scene but he gripped me to tightly for my wolf to stay contained. "Mate of the big, bad alpha huh? Couldn't be fun, I can show you a GREAT time." He grabbed my butt and pulled me closer. I struggled to stay calm, but soon I released the loudest screech I could. The sound vibrated off of the walls and the music in the club stopped.
People turned to look at me, and I used my wolf strength to grab the guys hands and throw them off me. I kicked him in the gut and ducked as he swung at me.
I swiped out my foot and tripped him, before jabbing him in the throat and punching him in the face. I gripped his hair and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Now that's what I call fun." At that I slammed his head into the ground breaking his nose and knocking him out.
I nodded towards Alex who grabbed the rouge and dragged him outside. Sicily had wide eyes and she looked around the room at the two security guards. Behind them was a fuming Lucas.
Oh Lordy. I've been caught.
After I had kicked ass at the bar, Lucas had thrown me over his shoulder and taken me to the pack house and locked me in his room. Of course, I broke down his door and tried to break his nose in anger. Freaking idiot. I SHALL NOT BE CONTAINED!!!!
Still determined to get past my tipsy state, I found a stash of alcohol and chugged it all until I was a hiccuping, blubbering, idiot with slightly blurry vision. "Rosalie?" A deep voice rumbled. I giggled and hiccuped at the same time.
"Ooohh you have a deep" *hiccup* "voice! Very" *hiccup* "sexy!" I slurred, walking towards the voice that even in my drunken state gave me chills. "Are you drunk?!" The voice, or shall I say Lucas, asked incredulously.
I giggled and shook my head, grabbing onto the first thing I saw. I heard a groan and looked into Lucas's now blackish eyes. I looked at my hand and found it was on his thigh, my finger on Lucas.
"You have another leg!!! That's sooooooo funny Lucas!" I hiccuped. He picked me up and cradled me in his arms, running up the stairs and lying me down on our bed. "I'm too young for that silly goose!" I giggled, sitting up on the bed.
"Go to sleep Rosalie," Lucas growled in frustration. "Why don't you like me? I try so so hard for you to like me, did you know that? When I woke up after getting attacked I decided to stay only for the pack because you hate me." I whispered, sobering up a bit, making me less tipsy and my head less foggy.
"I don't hate you, you know that. Now go to bed!" Lucas muttered. "Do I? Because I'm pretty sure you regret my existence. You told me you didn't want me already." I blubbered, tears stinging my eyes. "I didn't mean it. We aren't talking about this when your drunk."
I sobered up quickly and turned to Lucas so quick I swear I got whiplash. "When are we going to talk about it then?! Most mates have each other marked and almost mated after two weeks! How long has it been now, Lucas?! HUH?!" I growled. "Why am I not enough?! I know I'm weak and all but I'm your mate! Your supposed to love least like me!" I whimpered, tears stinging my eyes but the dam not quite breaking yet.
He sighed and used his finger to tilt my head up. "I don't hate you." Was all he said before turning around to sleep. Angry tears rushed down my face and I hit him. I hit him as many times as I could before he grabbed my wrists. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He roared, his face turning red from anger.
When he saw my face his expression softened and he sighed. "What's so wrong with me that no one ever accepts me? Am I that bad?" I asked quietly, sorrow pouring out of my tone. One last year ran down my face before I felt a kiss pressed where my mark should be. A few others followed, before A tooth or two tickled my neck.
That was followed by Lucas's teeth sinking into my neck painfully. After a moment it didn't hurt at all. I moaned out and clung to Lucas, heat running through my veins and my heart beating. I tilted my head up and sunk my teeth into his soft neck, tightening my jaw a bit to make his deeper than mine. He released my neck in shock and a grumble rose from his throat.
When I released we both panted before Lucas lapped up the blood on my neck with his tongue and fell asleep with me in his arms.
"TALK TO ME DAMNIT!" Lucas ordered in rage, pulling me to him and shoving his face into my neck to calm down. Let me start from the beginning:
•••Three hours earlier•••
The next morning I woke up and felt one thing. White. Hot. Raging. Anger. Why you ask? Simple. Over the night I though about the argument and realized Lucas used the marking to get out and away from the conversation. It meant NOTHING to him!
So I'm ignoring him. I climbed out of Lucas's arms feeling disgusted with myself. Of course my wolf was jumping around in joy, but I felt so...used!
"What are you doing its 5:45 in the morning!" Lucas complained. I ignored him and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of Cheerios and began to eat my meal. By the time I finished I was tapping my foot in annoyance. He had followed me down and watched me eat warily.
The next three hours he followed me around bugging me and trying to hoax me into talking to him. That's how we ended up here.
As soon as he finished saying his order, I felt my side start to heat up. In confusion I put my hand on the mark on my side and as soon as I did, I felt it burn with such intensity that I fell to the ground convulsing in pain.
"ROSALIE!" Lucas yelled out. Some pack members ran out and saw me. I heard yelling but all the sounds faded as I focused on the pain. I could barely feel myself being lifted and could hear scream. Or is that me?
After about ten minutes, the pain faded and I heard a gasp. My vision cleared and I pulled my pants down slightly to see that the mark on my side was now past my hips and traveled into my stomach and back. It was now a tree with the original mark carved into the trunk.
Everyone audibly gasped before I stood up and ran from the room. I need an explanation from Mark. Now.
Picture of the new mark (without the original in the middle) on the side or where ever it is. Sorry it took so long to update but this chapter has TWO parts! The other is being posted tomorrow so stay tuned!!!!

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