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🌨 while breathing heavily🌨
how in the world could something like this happen?
Tanjiro, I got you,
Don't die on me! no matter what it takes, I'll save you! I won't let you die! I promise I'll save you, your big sister's got you!

~The Day before~
Mom: Nezuko!
Nezuko: *looks at mom*
Mom: your face is all covered in soot,
let me clean you up.
*Cleaning Nezuko*
you know you really don't have
to go, all this snow could be
Nezuko: I want us to have a good new year celebration where everyone can eat as much as they want, so I'll sell all the charcoal I can.

Mom: *smiles* How thoughtful.

Hanako: One-Chan!
Shigeru: are you going to town again
Hanako: I'm coming with you!
Mom: no you're not. you know you
can't walk as fast as nezuko can
Shigeru: aaww! come on mom!
Mom: no way, she's not going to be
able to use the cart today,which
means she can't give you a ride
when you get tired.
Hanako and Shigeru: Hhhmmmm....
Shigeru: One-Chan... *Hugs her*
Hanako: I wanna come with you... I
promise I'll help out.
Nezuko: That's very generous of you
Hanako, but no, you're staying home today.
Hanako: Aaaawwww *🥺*
Nezuko: sorry shigeru, you are too,
but I'll bring back goodies okay?

Shigeru: Promise?
Nezuko: Yeah! *rubs hanako's hair* and Hanako, I'll read for you when I get home later.
Hanako: *😊*Yay!
Nezuko: Good girl!
Mom: Thank you for doing this Nezuko.
Nezuko: of course! *looks at takeo* hey Takeo, do me a favor while I'm gone okay? chop as much wood as you can.
Takeo: yeah, I was already gonna do that anyway, but I was kinda hopin' we'd do that together this time.
Nezuko: *rubs his head* there there now.
Takeo: Knock it off would ya!?
Shigeru: Hehe! you're blushing take!
Takeo: Shut up you brat!
Nezuko: *rubs head again* there there now.
Takeo: I told you to cut it out eeerrrrggghhh!
👩👧👦: 😂*Laughs at Takeo and then Nezuko*

Shigeru: Come back as soon as you can okay?
Hanako: Be safe and see you when you get back!
*Nezuko waves goodbye*

Tanjiro: Hi One-Chan.
Nezuko: hey Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Had to put rokuta down for a nap now, otherwise he would throw a fit. ever since dad pasted he's been glued to your side.
*Nezuko touches rokuta's head*

and that everyone seems to follow you wherever we go.
*Nezuko Smiles*

Tanjiro: *Smiles*

I'll see you when you get back!

Nezuko💭: We don't exactly have an easy life, but we're happy. life can change though, as sudden as the weather, it shifts and moves on, the sun can't shine forever, but snow has to stop at one point. but whatever happens when happiness is destroyed,
it's always followed, by the sight of blood.

-In Town-

Woman Villager: Ah! Nezuko, you came down the mountain on a day like today, don't you ever stop working? you could catch a cold.

Nezuko: It's not as bad as you think, you need a refill on charcoal by a chance?

Man Villager: Hey, Nezuko, I'll take some more

Man villager 2: I'm good, but thanks for fixing my sliding door the other day!

Woman Villager 2: I need some charcoal too!

Nezuko Smiles.
a man with blood runs to her while a woman followed.

Man with blood: Ah!! Nezuko! I'm so glad you're here! I've been accused for breaking this plate! can you help me out here, give it a closer look..

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