~The Letter~

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Charlotte Weasley POV: "CHARLOTTE WAKE UP! YOUR LETTER CAME!" Fred exclaimed. I awoke with a startle hearing those words. I didn't hesitate to rush downstairs pushing through Ginny, Ron and Percy.
"Where is my letter?!" I shouted out. Mom chuckled.
"Wow, wow there lady, where is my good morning? Anyways here's your letter hun." She said handing a creamy white envelope with a big "H" sticker in the middle.
"Sorry, good morning." I said and happily took the envelope from her hand.

Hogwarts~ To, C.Weasley- 3rd floor in the Burrow
-1st years are not allowed on brooms!-
~From Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore~

I was smiling until the last part, it wasn't fair 1st years should be allowed on brooms! I mean Harry was! But I just put on a smile at the thought of running in the hallways and maybe even sneak out to the forbidden forest with Fred and George! But I was quickly brought out of my thoughts by dad. He was finally home from work, since he worked at the Ministry of magic.
"How's my 1st year doing!" Dad said bringing me into a tight embrace. I just giggled and hugged him back.
"This can just mean one thing, a trip to Diagon Alley! Kids get ready!" Dad exclaimed making sure everyone heard.

A.N: Hello, Naomi here! I hope you all enjoyed the 1st chapter to "Charlotte Weasley- Prisoner of Azkaban"! I will be pretty active but I don't have a exact schedule for publishing so just hang in there with me if you may. Sorry this chapter is quite short I will progressively make them longer. Have a beautiful day lovely's bye! :D

Word Count: 219 words.

Charlotte Weasley- Prizoner of Azkaban Where stories live. Discover now