Chapter one (spoiler alert)

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Ugh, why does the grass have to be so wet, Silverwing grumbled to herself. The moisture clung onto her long black pelt, plastering it to her body. A great way to start off a new day. The dreams had interrupted much of her needed sleep. Last night, it was about a flaming orange cat leading a line of fierce warriors into battle with more cats pouring in to fight what looked like wispy dark shadows. When they got closer, the shadows became the shapes of snarling cats, eyes gleaming with hatred and excitement. The two sides clashed, claws flashing in the fading sunlight. Driven with determination, the cats alive fought fiercely, matching blow for blow at first before more and more fell. Soon, they were almost overwhelmed.

Silverwing had felt sorry for them, wondering if they were going to lose until starlit pelts started streaming in. Starclan cats! She had realized, like the ones that visited me! The battle started turning around and more and more shadowy cats turned and fled back into the safety of the trees.

The battle went on though, and then all eyes were drawn towards two cats. The flaming orange tom, Firestar, was talking to a dark tabby with many battle scars, Tigerstar. The dark tabby leapt towards Firestar and they fought until Tigerstar collapsed, fading away into a puddle of blood. A flash of lightning struck, and Silverwing eyed the flaming tree, wanting to call out but couldn't. She'd never felt so hopeless, but she knew that it was all in the past.

With a loud crash, a burning limb fell on Firestar, crushing him underneath the flames. She'd stared in horror at what had happened while her mind tried to make up ways on how it must have felt to have defeated your enemy only to be crushed by a tree. The grey cat, Graymist, had tried to reassure her that he had died of his wounds and not the tree. It didn't make her feel any better; the opposite, actually.

She had woken up sad and tired as sunlight filtered through the ceiling of her makeshift den. It was newleaf and dew had collected on every single glade of grass, glimmering. It was a pain in the tail to walk through. She'd been in a bad mood ever since she woke up, the curious bubbly cat gone from the look of her expression.

"How much further?" Silverwing called out, only to receive no response as usual. The starry cats, who have seemed to be fed up with the constant questioning, had left her with dreams and an occasional piece of guidance to help her on her way.

(to be added onto hopefully soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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