Chapter 1: Seachers

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                                                                                +Y/N's POV+

It's another boring Tuesday. You walk into my apartment and C/N walks up to you. You smile and pick them up. You head to your couch just looking at stuff on your phone. A few minutes in and you felt like your falling?... Yes your falling. Your holding your cat tightly trying to protect them. Luckily, When you both land, You and your cat are safe. You put you cat down and examine where you are.

"What happened? Where am I?"You look up from where you have fallen. The sky is grey and all pixelated?...You heard something in the distance,,,

You see a grey sphere talking to what looks like a blue and yellow skin colored creature. "Can't you hurry? We need to go find a spot." You hid behind a blue rock still seeing both of them. The blue and yellow humanoid creature suddenly spoke." Aaahh~ auction day." It sounded oddly masculine. " These are the utmost grand of days! This is going to be so so!-" It spun around and suddenly changed. Now its face was black and white with a blue eye. "-Awful! I think this is going to be the worst day of my life!"

'Well no shit Sherlock.' You thought to yourself. The grey sphere said "Wow, Look at the crowd today Ena! Everybody's ugly. B)" 'so the blue and yellow figure's name is Ena huh?' You thought to yourself. Ena changed and they went to normal now. "Agh,, Sincerest apologies." You leaned closer...and closer...and- "GET OFF OF ME!" the rock yelled.

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