Chapter 30

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After many hard days of filming the movie was finally done. The premiere would be in a few weeks and I'm ready to see how this movie turned out.

Emma and I decided to spend the few weeks before the premiere together. We decided to go to her house together and then go to mine later. Like a long sleepover.

We spent a lot of time cuddled up together watching different movies. None of the ones we were in though, we just wanted to spend time away from the reality of being famous.

We still went to interviews and such but mostly photoshoots. We had to do cover and promo photos for the movie posters and stuff. It was pretty funny, most of them turned out so stupid.

Also, Rupert bought an ice cream truck? It had all the ice cream in it and everything. He let me have a lot of the SpongeBob ones. I mean I bought a vending machine. I don't even have anywhere to put it but its fine. I also bought a golf cart.

Emma is the only one who's really responsible with her money. She invested some of it for her future education, which is smart. She hasn't bought her share of stupid stuff like the rest of us.

Since I bought a golf cart, I took Rupert, James, Oliver, and Tom golfing. We used my golfcart. It was pretty fun. I came in 2nd place but that's still good. After we played golf we took Rupert's ice cream truck out and gave some to kids. We also had some for ourselves of course.

I think Emma was mad at me for purchasing a vending machine and golf cart but she likes going for rides so she can't really complain. I also got my drivers license so its not illegal.

All in all, it was a nice break. I got to enjoy myself and be with friends. I'm also pretty sure Dan and Bonnie hooked up, but I don't really know.

After spending a few weeks away from filming, I was ready for the premiere and to go back to set. It's like my home. 

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