Chapter 1 (The First Look)

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I was sitting in an empty compartment on the train. I was very lonely because this was my first day at hogwarts. I was excited but scared. Just as I was thinking about all this, two identical boys entered the compartment.

"Hello?" I said, more as a question. "Hello" the two boys said at the same time. "I'm Fred" said the first boy. "I'm George" said the second. "I'm y/n".


The rest of the train ride went by pretty fast. I was talking to the twins the whole time and trying to figure out the difference between them. I ended up figuring it out and when I did I thought Fred was the smexier one. GOD Fred was such a handsome smeggsy beast of a boy.

I was walking into the great hall and I was astonished. It was so big and amazing. I was looking at Fred and George who gave me a reassuring smile, so I looked forward and walked to the front of the great hall. That was when I saw him for the first time.

Lupin, Remus Lupin the principal introduced him as. I thought Fred was the most honky, smeggsy, handsome beast of a man I've ever seen, but clearly I was wrong. This man, this teacher was so smeggsy I wanted to wank to him at the spot, but I didn't. I was too busy looking at him and taking in all of his smeggsyness.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "Y/n l/n" an old woman said. I walked up to the little stool and sat down. The woman placed a hat on my head and it started talking.

"Hmm another Interesting one." it started. "Not that ambitious, definetly not courageous and loyal but that's definitely not your strongest trait. You seem to be interested in academics and seem to value them above almost anything else. Better be..."
"RAVENCLAW" the hat suddenly shouted.

People started applauding and especially the people that were dressed in blue. The old lady who's name I found out was McGonagall pointed me to the table with the people dressed in blue. I walked over and sat down next to a platinum - blonde girl. Since I was the last one to get sorted, food magically appeared after I sat down. I started to eat my food when the platinum-blonde girl suddenly started talking to me.

"Hi" she said. Her voice as soft as a red couch. "Hello" I said as I took in her appearance. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was quite beautiful. "I'm Luna" she said "Luna Lovegood". "I'm y/n l/n I said back". "Nice to meet you l/n". "Please call me y/n. And the pleasure is all mine."

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