Everyone in the school seemed overly excited about tonight's upcoming events, at least, Draco thought they were. Being a Malfoy, social events were quite common at the Manor, and a small, pitiful ball hardly seemed impressive. But this was the first time that the younger years had been allowed to attend and Draco was able to forgive the uproar in the Great Hall while he ate breakfast, he was able to ignore tumult in the library for even Madame Pince had given up trying to restrain the eagerness of the other students. But he was unable to overlook the mass of Gryffindors that were congregating outside undertaking in some sort of very noisy play in the deep snow.

Draco's eyes narrowed as he stood in the entrance way, could he never have a moments peace without being disturbed by a bunch of rowdy Gryffindors who didn't even have enough sense to stay indoors on such a cold day? And of course, there was the star of Gryffindor tower, Potter himself and Weasley as well. But Granger wasn't with them. Draco searched amongst the hills of snow and finally spotted her. She was walking with that boy, that boy from Potions, her partner for the ball. Draco made a face; he wasn't impressed with Dean Thomas. Granger could do much better than that.

With an unexpected shout from the two matching Weasleys who had been hiding behind a tree, flying snow began to fill the air.

Draco came down the steps and stood at the edge of the great sea of snow that surrounded the school and continued to watch, unnoticed, the chaos that ensued after the twins started the snow war. Snow flew every which way though none came near Draco as if the flakes themselves were afraid of the absolute look of disapproval and disgust on his face.

Granger and that boy had gone unscathed so far, but when Weasley grabbed a great handful of snow and started to chase the girl, she turned and ran right for the school doors. Running as fast as she could while keeping an eye on the redhead who was catching up, she didn't notice Draco blocking her way until she ran into him. With a startled cry she fell back hard and sprawled onto the ground in front of him. His first impulse had been to catch her as he had so many other times, but he could see Thomas hurrying to reach her as well as Weasley and if she wanted to spend her time with them, then one of them could catch her. He glared down at her, the bushy brown hair and pretty face only making him angrier, he felt the old insult issue from him before he could stop himself.

"Watch it mudblood," he hissed, temporarily forgetting that he was a lone Slytherin in the midst of a troupe of Gryffindors.

Granger's eyes had still been closed but they flew open at his words and she started up him, shocked. A hush spread quickly through the open area as all of the Gryffindors stopped what they were doing and gazed at Draco with undisguised hate.

Weasley reached them first, followed almost immediately by Thomas. Weasley went right past Granger though and swung his fist at Draco who dodged artfully away and then looked again to Granger. Thomas meanwhile was helping Granger get to her feet. Draco's momentary lapse cost him though, as the other two Weasleys joined the fray. Draco soon found himself pressed hard into the stonewall and dangling a foot off the ground as the twins held him up for their brother to take proper aim.

"Ron! Stop it!" Granger's voice cut through the angry buzzing that was the rest of her friends. "Fred, George, put him down."

"What?" The twins cried in unison.

"Hermione," Ron snapped at her, "you heard what he said, didn't you?"

Granger had come up to stand next to him and she put her hand on the arm that he had been about to strike Draco with and said in a quiet voice.

"I heard him Ron, I just don't care. I don't care about anything he has to say."

Draco looked at her in surprise, she met his eyes only briefly, but that was all he needed. She wasn't angry, only tired, and hurt. Draco immediately felt guilty about it all. Now that he could look into her eyes he wasn't quite sure why he had been so angry.

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