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Hello anyone who chooses to read this your a sweet angel on Earth and you're probably super attractive. Well there's no probably I know you are. Now I'm publishing this one actually the one year anniversary of the first time I watched Star Wars and I had no idea how much it would completely take over my life but it's been incredible. Star Wars came into my life when I needed it most and I have no idea what I would have done without this wonderful community during 2020. I will also say that there will be nothing but inaccuracies in this story cause honestly I do my best researching but my middle name is "creative liberties" lolololol

This story is dedicated to two incredible friends I would not have had the courage to write this without. The first is my best friend Sydney who is quite honestly my soulmate and the best person I know. We started our Star Wars addiction at the same time and God bless her for just letting me ramble on and on and on about story ideas. I finally did it so now I can shut up about it.

And the second is the one and only Luna aka @luna-auctor the mastermind behind one of my favorite fanfics of all time These Violent Delights. Luna is the sweetest soul and has been so incredibly kind and supportive to a complete stranger who kept Dming her on Instagram lol. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her and her writing career and I can only hope to write something half as good as her.  

And with that on with the show I hope you enjoy it!


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