Chapter 2

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Venti POV

"He's my boyfriend."

My body surged with an immense feeling of happiness, which was immediately contradicted by confusion. 

"What-?" I mumble under my breath. Before the girls have any time to react, Ganyu bursts through the dorm room. The girls whip their heads around in her direction. 

"I'll have to kindly ask you to exit." Her request is kind, but her tone is firm. 

"There's no way! This is big news." The girl waves the phone in Ganyu's face as the others agree. She seems unfazed by the photo though. 

"Currently, you are invading the privacy of a well-know idol. You may have a fine on your hands girls." Ganyu moves past the crowd, standing right next to me as she places her hand on my shoulder. "So, I ask you again. Please exit." 

The group exchanges worried looks with one another before swarming for the door. I stood there, confused and afraid. I mean don't get me wrong, this is the best thing to ever happen to me. But Xiao's more 'extreme' fans will tear me apart. Xiao lets go of my hand, turning away from me. I sulk in silence, I wanted it to be real. Ganyu clears her voice. 

"Xiao. I left you alone for 5 minutes."

"Eh." Xiao replies. Staring at the ground. 

"Eh? Really? Those photos are all over the media, what were you thinking?!"  

"I don't know."

"Xiao, you're not a kid anymore, you have to take this seriously." Ganyu began to sympathize with him. "You have everyone who's ever supported you believing you're in a relationship..."

"I'm not in one." Xiao raises his head from the ground. 

Ganyu grits her teeth and I could feel the room gain an immeasurable amount of tension. "Xiao, you're done playing pretend. These photos have already been posted all over, by people who you told you were in fact in a relationship." 

"What about it?" 

"From now on you are in a relationship." 

"What? No. I refuse." 

"I am your manager, and this is what I decide is best. This young man is your new boyfriend until this all blows over." 

"Wait what- Me?" I almost forgot I was involved, I got too wrapped up in the drama.  

"Yes." Ganyu's expression lightens, I could tell she was a sweet person. "I trust that as one of Xiao's fans, you will help him out?" 

I almost jump to react, but soon realize how desperate I would sound. "Okay- sure-" 

Xiao looks like he's about to throw a tantrum. His face is a bright red and his fists are tight. I wanted to console him. 

"If you need any further help, please contact me." Ganyu hands me a card with her number on it. "I must leave now. I need to confirm some matters with Xiao's professors." Once again she bows and then exits. And it felt awkward being alone with him. 

"This is all your fault." Xiao mutters. 

"My fault?! You're the one that made out with me for no reason!" I stuff the card in my pocket. 

Xiao flipped his head to look down on me. "You mean to tell me you didn't like it?" 

"Well-" I really did. In fact, I still wanted him to touch me like he did. 

"What if I did it again?" He gets closer. "Would you like it then? We are boyfriends now." 

"Xiao, no-" His long fingers sneak under my sweater. His hand moves to my chest, tracing my nipples. I unwillingly let out a moan. 

"Your skin is so soft-" My phone vibrates seconds after his comment, spoiling the moment. I want to ignore it and continue, but Xiao releases his weight on me. 

I slide my phone out of my pocket, a notification from a text from Tartaglia popping up on the screen. I open it and text him back.


Tartaglia: WHAT THE FUCK

Venti: Bitch what i was in the middle of something 


Venti: huh  

Tartaglia: Not you acting oblivious 



Venti: Oh yeah I have a boyfriend now ;) 

Tartaglia: Wha- Don't tell me-

Venti: Yes. It's Xiao. 

Tartaglia: Oh- Did you guys- 

Venti: Who the fuck are you 

Tartaglia: LOL wait are you xiao? 

Read 9:06

Tartaglia: Not you leaving me on read 

Venti: Venti's taken 

Tartaglia: I am literally so lost  

Read 9:07

Xiao POV 

I felt inclined to tell the dude Venti was talking to who he belonged to. I was aware it had only been a short amount of time since we became boyfriends, but every time I touched his porcelain skin, a strong feeling of lust filled my heart. It was safe to say he turned me gay. 

"Are you going to give that back?" Venti stuck out his hand. "I already missed my first class, I've gotta go."

"Whatever." I threw the phone into his hands. I watched him move past me and into his room.

"You can settle into your side of the dorm while I'm gone." He yelled from inside. 

"Is that guy in your class?" I ask.

"Who? Tartaglia?" Venti walks out of the room, a bag in his hand. "He's a friend."

I grabbed his hand. "Stay." 

Venti's face is flushed red.  He gripped my hand. "I want to but-"

"I'll get Ganyu to excuse you. Just stay." I really didn't want him to leave the dorm. I didn't want him to leave me. I grasp his hand as he nodded. I could tell even from the brief moments where we touched that he was very submissive. When I kissed him, he didn't use his tongue, but instead let me use mine. He unconsciously tilted his head over, exposing his neck when I touched his chest. I wondered what it would feel like to go further, to touch the places that would make him scream my name. I lead him to his bedroom. 

Author's note 

Sooo i lowkey suck at writing lol BUT HEY

Also, I KNOW XIAO IS SHORTER but just bear with it 

(My update schedule is random) 

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