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"Haru, Hewlan, show them to the barn. They can stay they for the night." My mother ordered, and we both nodded. The trio, and their pet lemur followed us to our barn.

"You guys should leave in the morning, just to be safe." Haru said quietly. Aang smiled at us.

"Thanks, I'll make sure Appa doesn't eat all of your hay." Aang added. I giggled at them, recieving a strange look from Sokka. Katara had walked off with Haru, so it was just the three of us.

"Erm, I have to get to work." I said as I scratched my head, loosening my top knot bun on accident. "You are welcome to join me, I'm sure Koliu can use the extra hands." Sokka was already walking towards me grinning but Aang had went over to Appa.

"I think I'll stay here for right now, see you guys later!" Aang called. Sokka and I made our way out of the barn and started headed towards the market.

"So how did you and Aang meet?" I asked, and Sokka started chuckling.

"Believe it or not, my sister hit a giant glacier in the ocean and then Aang popped out of it." Sokka laughed. I smiled at him.

"That's very.. strange.." I laughed. Sokka was looking at me, I could see it from the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear about your father." Sokka said. I sighed. "He must have felt awful leaving behind a son and daughter." He said quietly.

"Yea, it makes me wonder- Wait, what?" I stuttered, realizing his questiong. Sokka smirked. "I- Umm. It's not what it seems!"

"Why are you pretending to be a boy?" Sokka asked sincerly. We had stopped walking. I let my voice return to it's normal pitch, which was much higher then the one I use.

"It was a law the Fire Nation had imposed when I was a little girl, probably still an infant." Sokka seemed surpried at my real voice at first. "Girls were to be taken to the Fire Nation capital and used as servants in the Royal Palace. My family hid my idenity so I wasn't taken to the Fire Nation." I explained. "Ever since, I was known as Tyro's other son Hewlan. I don't even remember the last time I was called by my real name."

"What's your real name?" Sokka asked. I smiled at him.

"Jin." I said. I chuckled. "It's a bit strange, only my family has known this secret and here I am telling you, Sokka of the Water Tribe."

"Well your secret is safe with me Jin." Sokka replied.

We had reached the market and Koliu grately apprectiated the extra hands. Sokka and I talked whenever we could, and when our shift was over, I walked him back to the barn. Katara had returned and was sitting with Aang.

"Hello Hewlan!" Aang greeted. I cleared my throat, changing my pitch.

"Hello Aang, Katara." I replied. "I hope everything is alright out here. I would welcome you to sleep in my room but it's crowded enough as it is." I added. Sokka gave me a sympathetic look. "Erm. Good night everyone." I said before quickly rushing out.

Back in the barn, Aang and Katara was left a bit puzzled. "Was there something wrong with Hewlan, Sokka?" Aang asked. Sokka was shaking his head, rubbing his temple.

"Sokka?" Katara chirped. Sokka sighed.

"Sixteen years." Sokka mumbled. "Her entire life.."

"Sokka, what are you talking about?" Aang asked, concerned for his Water Tribe friend.

"Sixteen years Aang!" Sokka said again. "Jin has been hiding who she was for sixteen years because of the Fire Nation!" Katara and Aang shared a look before walking over to Sokka. "Hewlan, he's actually a girl named Jin. She's been forced to live under the name Hewlan because the Fire Nation threatened to take her away from her family."

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