Part 2 of :The Kill

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Previously on: Super Psycho love

As all of us got across the street safe and sound, we started to walk towards the run-down bar that the man and the guys walked into. As we made it the door and slowly open it making a small squeak, we stepped inside....

Now on to the story...

Jessie/me pov

To see our target, the group of men and a few other people along with security guards, which were guarding all of the exits to the building. Careful we made it to the farther side of room where we had a clear view of the whole situation to see everything that was happening. Drugs were being sold, people were playing poker, shots of alcohol were being taken and other activities were being done. As me and the girls closely watched the people that had enter the run-down pub before us and saw how they were staying nearby our target.

As time slowly ticked by only to feel like hours but morally it was seconds, when the three masked men have started to make there move on our target. Slowly they walked closer to our target who was sitting at the table playing poker and taking shots of alcohol with multiple empty bottles of alcohol surrounding him, the closer the three masked men approached our target, the more they pulled out their weapons. Right up until their weapons were nearly out. Did we summon our guns and shot at the three masked people causing them to drop down for cover, after they went to cover did, we shot at all the security guards and people in the room leaving our target and the three men alive. Quickly Reed, our target stumbled up and ran off to the door only for me to point and shot his leg, while I signalled Bee and Tilly to knock out the three masked men so that we can put the blame on them. After killing our target and taking his money from his wallet, plus knocking out the three masked men. We rang the police, after the third ring a female officer pick up, "Hello, 911. What your emergency?" the officer asked. "H-Help, there is a sh-shooting happening and m-my boyfriend is in there" Bee replied to the officer in a fake shaky and upset voice, while gun shots that I fired could be heard from a distance. "Okay, calm down and tell me where you are?" the officer asked, "I-I'm at the run-down p-pub on G-George st-street." Bee said "okay, we will send someone there right away, just stay away from the pub, okay." "o-okay" bee answered the officer. 

After the call with the police ended, the three of us ran off and climbed up onto the roof that overlooked the run-down pub and used our powers to create a replica of a distress Bee. A few minutes later three police cars pulled up and stormed into the pub and yelled to the three masked men to put their weapons down and to put their hands up in the air. While two officer escorted Bee way from the scene, soon enough multiple ambulances pulled up and ran off inside with beds, only to come out with dead bodies on the bed that were covered with blankets to load into the back of the ambulance.

To be continue....

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