Chapter 11(Are you jealous?)

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Date Published: March 12, 2021


Kanao's POV:

'How did it come to this' I sat there trembling and having my own train of thoughts?

'I am literally INSIDE TANJIRO'S HOUSE' That thought made my face lit up scarlet red.

WE are currently waiting for Tanjiro to pick up his two idiotic friends...Wait I got that wrong, let me rephrase that

We are currently waiting for Tanjiro to come home with a failure and an idiot...yeah that's more like it

As for WE, I mean Aoi, Nezuko and me. Not Kanae nee-san or Shinobu nee-san, they said that they need to do SOMETHING that the principal told them to do.

For literally a minute of talking to "Oh so sweet Tanjiro", nee-sama already scheduled a sleepover

How did this happen? Well let me tell you the adventure of unlucky Kanao...well with a bit of luck

Well my luck runs out very fast just this day


As I woke up from my 15 minute nap, I saw Shinobu nee-san and Kanae nee-san...smirking.

I took a glance at the wall clock, 2:00PM

'Why are they here' I thought still half asleep

Seconds later, my eyes started to be clear and I saw something familiar in Kanae nee-san's hand...a familiar notebook

I snapped into reality and realized what that was. IT WAS MY FRICKIN' DIARY!

I IMMEDIATELY grabbed the notebook from her hands and hastily threw it out the window


I wasn't thinking straight. All I see is a shocked face and a teasing one.

I stared outside the window, trying to find it and hoping it didn't end up in the neighbourhood but frankly, it did.

I told them that I have to get my "notebook" in the neighbourhood's backyard

Without waiting for their answers, I dashed outside the house.

My mind even told me to just jump from the window to your neighbour's yard. Like hell I would do that

I immediately went outside their gate and just called them.

After a minute of shouting, saying hello, and looking like a dumb kid who needs her candy, I stopped. Of course I would, there were no people in the house

'Me and my luck' I thought as I walk back home and went into our yard

I thought of just trespassing, but there were 3 obstacles:

-Our big bush of long thorned roses

-The 6 ft. fence that a shorty, like me, won't even stand a chance...and,

-The dog of our neighbour

Those three will kill me in an instant...well not really but it'll leave me with bruises and cuts

But I still need to do it

I picked up a ladder, long enough for a shorty like me, to get over the fence. But my luck did not cooperate AGAIN. I fell, and of course, on the roses.

Luckily, only my arms got thorned. My luck is not that bad after all.

The bush was a mess, a small but clear mess. Based on my instincts, nee-san will kill me if she saw this so the best thing to do is...of course, hide it by slowly pushing some of the bushes to the mess.

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