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Magenta_Lies asked:question for all animatronics:left twix or right twix?
Me:*gets microphone out* hello everybody we got a question it say left or right twix if you like the left twix put it in the purple box if you want the right twix put it in the yellow box
Everyone:*lines up*
Me:let's revival the counts*picks up purple box and opens lid then counts* 11 in this one *opens yellow one* 1 in this one
toy chica:I put mine in the yellow cus I think it's a beautiful colour
Everyone:nearly throws up or barfs rainbow on tc
Tc:ugh now I have to get a bath
Puddles:you can't ur an animatronic
Tc:I can emangin
Freddy:she's fucking stupid
Everyone:nods heads in agreement
Me:anyway guys that don't forget to leave a dare or question I will see you later byeeeeeeeee

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