X. - White Roses

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 The day of the funeral took its place two days later, in the old L’manberg. Tommy, who has gotten exiled within those two days, was granted a special permission to come onto the SMP, just so he could attend the double funeral. Sorrow and pain heaved in the air, tears stinging in the eyes of many, who loved the siblings, even with Wilbur’s crazy nature, and Evelyn’s nagging. The siblings would never be forgotten, in the harsh world, in the harsh SMP full of wars, crimes and lies. Within the family of three now laid something resembling guilt, almost as if the three of them knew they could’ve done something to stop this. Mainly, within Techno, who knew he could’ve prevented this by telling the girl. The voices in his  yelled and screeched, called him names he’d rather not name, told him how worthless of a brother he was, and so before he could ruin anything else, he ran away. An instinct him and Evelyn shared, something that might even be considered a deadly pet peeve. Techno was weak, and he hated to admit it. Ever since Evelyn and Wilbur died, he felt himself grow weaker and weaker, as if the two kept him alive, kept him from tumbling down. When it came to the elytrian, she was basically the only person who has managed to make the voices go away, who has ever managed to keep him sane. Evelyn was the stone his chains were attached to, the stone that kept him tied to the ground, kept him at his senses.

 Tommy, whose cyan eyes were filled with salty tears, stayed seated in the far back of the small hall, far behind everyone, on Sapnap’s hawk like watch. Everyone on the SMP and the far lands came to say their last good-byes to the siblings, who used to give out smiles and kind words, as if they were a free drug. Well, everyone came, except for the green bastard, that might’ve had his hands in this whole mess. Who were they kidding – Dream definitely had his filthy hands in this business. If it wasn’t for him and his stupid rules, the war would’ve never happened, Tommy’s siblings wouldn’t have died, maybe they could’ve lived their lives in peace in the mountains, sparring and running around. Maybe, just maybe, Tommy could listen to the two siblings ramble about Greek mythology, while they listened to Stal on repeat, lecturing Tommy with playful glares whenever he said a name purposely wrong, just to get some reaction off of them. He missed the two so much. Now he had Techno only; just one person who could lull him to sleep with the remarkable story of Theseus. Maybe if the pinkenette wouldn’t have gone insane. Maybe, their ways will reunite sometime in the future.

 Punz, who tried to hold back his tears, clutched at the golden necklace he’s gotten from the elytrian, rage and pain filling his usually blank mind. He was a mercenary, someone who shouldn’t have any strong emotions or any sort of attachment to the people in the SMP. He knew that eventually, when they wouldn’t want to pay for his services anymore, he’d move to a different SMP, or a city. He knew it damn well – so why was he there, tears threatening to spill, as the golden edges around the small Eye of the End dug deep into his skin? Maybe it was the fact that the golden piece kept him there, he had to give it to the Ranboo kid after all. It was one of Evelyn’s last wishes. His eyes soon met Eret’s soulless ones, watching the man near him with an envelope in his gauze wrapped hands. He wore his king’s robe, even though he was long retired from the post and only lived in his castle because it would be too risky to move away. Eret might’ve been the only person, who understood his pain; the only person who could help Punz with understanding his feelings, perhaps.

 “She wanted you to have this.” The man outstretched his arm, giving the envelope to the blond, before continuing over to Tommy and Phil, giving them each an envelope as well. The man noticed the envelope weighting much more, than it should, and decided to open it silently, eyes focusing on the contents inside. There were three feathers, each holding a constellation on the back of them. Punz recognized them as his and hers zodiacs, and Orion, his favorite constellation. Along with them, there laid a pair of golden earrings, one regular dot, and one with a chain, holding the same Eye he held in his left hand. Lastly, a piece of paper with burned sides caught his eye, and he decided it would be for the best to read it later when he’s at his house, calmed down and huddled up with a blanket and a cup of warm tea. The boy stood up and walked over to one of the caskets, placing down a white rose – one of Evelyn’s favorites. Despite being quite a rough person, Punz actually really liked to garden, kept a nice bush of roses, and took care of small fields behind his house. He’s heard the elytrian talk about it a couple of times, back when she lived in L’manberg, remembering the way she talked about the flowers excitedly. It was actually her idea, for him to take care of some white roses. Returning back to reality, he made her stone-cold hand hold the rose briefly, legs leading him out of the Prime church seconds after. He passed by the many people attending the funeral, gazes stuck on his bare back, covered with words written in endermen language, possibly a spell he’s gotten as a child.

 Taking a deep breath, a loud cry escaped his lips, pathetic and yet full of pain. He should’ve protected her, like he had promised her. He should’ve taken better care of her. “Take care of Tommy and Tubbo for me, please.” Sounded her last wish, before she died. They were the last words she’s spoken, and they were spoken in front of Phil himself, as if she wanted to tell the world that the blond might need a help in raising his own child and his friend. As if Phil wouldn’t be able to do all this by himself. He wished he could do that, he really did, but he also knew what would happen, if he did as she wished. It wouldn’t end well either for him, or the kids. Either way, he promised her that he’d do whatever would be in his powers, promised her he would look after them the best he could, before she heaved out her last breath in front of him. She died with a smile on her lips, knowing she’s managed to protect Wilbur, even if he chose to die seconds later, died knowing that her father and two brothers were in good hands.

 “You promised you wouldn’t die.”

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