The car ride is silent and you aren't sure if this is a comfortable silence or not because all you can think about is Cordelia. You can't believe she would come here all this way to find you because of your feelings towards her. At the same time you feel awful towards Ally because deep down no matter how much you tried to forget Cordelia, the feelings are still there somewhere and despite you falling for Ally the feelings for Cordelia have always been there and seeing the supreme again didn't exactly help either. You still don't know what to do or how to react and you are so deep in your thoughts that Ally needs to hold your hand for you to realize she pulled up to her house already. ''Sweetheart are you okay?'' she asks and you apologize and nod and walk inside with her. The rest of the night you try as best as you can to push the feelings and the encounter with Cordelia away and just spend time with Ally. She made dinner and you ate with her and after helping her clean up you are now cuddled up on the sofa focused on a movie. You pretend to watch it but it's hard when you are lying in your girlfriends arms thinking about another women. Ally notices and pauses the movie and makes you sit up and she looks at you and says ''What is it? you have been silent all day since we came here'' and you look down because you feel responsible for this situation. ''Are you in love with Cordelia?'' she suddenly asks out of the blue which causes you to look at her with a shocked expression. ''Answer me Y/N do you still have feelings for her?'' she says her voice now sounding more serious than ever. You look down and although you wish you could tell her otherwise you mumble ''I guess I am'' and you can see some tears stream down Ally's face. You quickly try and wipe them away and explain ''Listen my feelings for Cordelia may still be there but Ally I- I think I am falling for you and I truly mean that you are amazing and I wanna be with you'' and she looks up with so much hurt but also hope. ''I understand if you don't wanna see me again'' you say and try to get up but Ally stops you. ''Y/N please stay'' she says with pleading eyes which takes you by surprise even more. You take her into your arms and apologize but she looks at you and says ''It's okay you didn't do anything wrong'' and the rest of the evening you both just enjoy being in each others arms and you try hard to focus on Ally and not think of Cordelia.

The next morning you have a shift at the cafe and Ally has to pick up Oz, take him to school and go to work. You give her a kiss before she drops you off by the cafe and you start your shift for the day. The day goes by quickly and well and sadly Ally couldn't come over in your lunch break today because she has a meeting so you are just looking forward to this day being over. It's just your lunch break when a familiar blonde enters your workplace. As you scan Cordelia you notice the dress with flowers on, blonde hair and her brown eyes that look more tired as usual. As she sees you and your eyes meet a little smile forms on her lips and it causes you to feel nervous. ''Cordelia?'' you ask surprised to see her there. ''Y/N may I speak with you a moment?'' she asks with her warm voice and you let your co-worker know you are on break now. After you take your coat you walk her out and you take a little walk to the park. Being near the supreme makes you nervous and at the same times you can feel her powers radiate of her and your own powers. You haven't been practicing magic a lot anymore for a while so it feels strange being around a so familiar witch. ''Y/N'' ''Cordelia'' you both say at the same time trying to start the conversation and your eyes meet her brown eyes and you both chuckle. ''Let me start please'' the older woman asks and you nod. ''Listen Y/N I wanna apologize for what happened yesterday I shouldn't have come here unannounced and I am sorry for confusing and upsetting you''. She waits a moment before continuing and you both sit down on a bench in the park. ''The truth is Y/N I was always really fond of you and I always liked you and felt this special connection with you but I never thought you were into girls let alone me? and I regret that so much'' she carries on and you can feel your hands shaking and your throat going dry. You look at her and you only now realize how much you have missed her and how hard it was not being around her for an entire year. ''But I understand that you are moving on now and all I wanna say is I am sorry and you are always welcome at the coven whenever you feel like seeing us'' she adds and she gets up to walk away but you stop her and grab her wrist which causes her to turn around and look at you confused. ''Cordelia I still love you'' you suddenly blurt out your hand still holding onto her wrist and she blinks a few times because neither of you expected this. ''Listen I am with Ally and I love her too so much but I can't deny my feelings for you and I did tell her that too and I don't know what to do'' you say now with tears in your eyes and you had no idea you needed what the supreme does next for an entire year. She takes a step forward and pulls you into her arms and as they wrap around you it feels like you are in a different world where pain, tears and heartbreak don't exist. It feels like a different reality and that nothing or no one can hurt you despite you knowing deep down that that isn't true. You smell her blonde hair and the old familiar perfume smelling of vanilla and you don't know whether to smile or cry because you are in love with two woman that both love you too and you don't know how to handle this situation. After a while you let go and she smiles at you and says''Listen Y/N I don't want to push you into doing anything I will stay here in Michigan until you are ready to give me an answer and I don't wanna put pressure on you so it's your choice and you let me know when you are ready to talk to me okay?'' she asks and you nod your head before you both part ways her going back to her hotel and you going back to work.

Cordelia Goode x Reader x Ally Mayfair-Richards - Another LoveWhere stories live. Discover now