Dinah rolled her eyes, "Well, Austin is a-"

"Nice guy, who you should totally give a chance to," Normani cut off Dinah, making both of the girls look at her weirdly.

"You really think so?" Camila asked unsurely.

"Yup," Normani assured, glancing over to Dinah who was giving her a 'wtf' look, "Didn't you say he wanted to go out with you tonight?"

"Well, yea, but I rejected him. I guess I can tell him I changed my mind," Camila replied.


Camila hadn't seen Lauren all day, the only glimpse she had gotten of her was in the hallways and Lauren looked sad, she was in sweats and a sweater with her hoodie on. Camila tried to call out to her but she got nothing.

Straight after her last class, Camila rushed to Lauren's locker in hopes that she'll catch Lauren right before she left. Fortunately, she did, out of breath, she said, "Laur, hey."

Lauren barely looked out of her locker, she dryly replied, "Sup, Camz."

"You tell me," Camila stepped closer, concerned, she asked, "Are you okay?"

Lauren closed her locker, "Just peachy."

Camila furrowed her brows, Lauren was usually sarcastic but her tone seemed annoyed as well, "Are you mad at me?"

Lauren rolled her eyes, "Not everything is always about you, Camila," she harshly replied.

That hurt; Lauren never talked to Camila like this, she's always speaks so softly and full of care to her. Even when Lauren admitted to being genuinely frustrated with Camila, she was never this cold to her. Camila was clearly taken back, she didn't know what to say and just stood there a bit stunned.

Lauren realized this and immediately went back to her soft voice, "Sorry, I had a rough day," she rubbed her right eye with the back of her hand, an action Camila knew she always did when she was tired; she found it adorable.

"It's alright," Camila said back, she pulled Lauren in for a hug, "I've just been worried about you lately."

Lauren sighed into the embrace, wrapping her arms tightly around Camila's waist, enjoying every second because Camila's hugs are the only opportunity she ever gets to hold the smaller girl in her arms.


Camila was in tears as she banged on the door of a house; she was so angry, sad, and, most of all confused, and immediately went to the first person she thought of going to.

"Ally?" Camila looked at her in confusion, "Why are you at Lauren's house?"

Ally ignored the question, as she pulled Camila in the house looking at her with concern, "Are you okay, Mila? You look like you've been crying."

Camila gulped a bit as she shakily admitted, "Uhm, not really," she looked around for Lauren. Ally saw this and led her to the living room where surprisingly her other two friends were also there with Lauren. Camila wondered why they were all hanging out without her, but she did notice that Lauren looked paler than usual, she looked basically just as bad as she had all day, if not worse.

Lauren saw Camila and stood up, "Camz, you okay? What's wrong? What happened on your date?"

Camila shook her head as she shut her eyes tightly trying not to cry, Lauren immediately wrapped her arms around her, "C'mon, let's go to my room." All the other girls were concerned too for Camila but this happened a lot, Camila and Lauren had a strong connection since they first befriended each other and many times the two girls would choose to first talk to each other about their problems than later the whole group will be filled in.

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