Start from the beginning

Or not...

"Kasa-niiiii!" Tsukirei spread her arms and run towards her brother, the water on their feet splashed everywhere as she continue running towards her brother.

"Rei!" Hanako called, but Tsukirei didn't care about it at all.

"Kirei! I've missed you!" Tsukasa spread his arms, preparing himself to catch her sister, who he thought, wants to give him a hug. However...

Just before Tsukirei reached Tsukasa, she spin around, and stretched her leg, giving her brother a kick to his stomach. The guy flew distance away from them and everyone is shocked. Even Tsukasa himself is surprised. His wide, round eyes stared at his sister, who's looking at her with that smirk on her face.

Nene held her own hand as she pressed it on her chest, she feels its fast beating because of how nervous she is. Kou stared at Tsukirei with knitted brows, looking confused, while his brother gaze coldly to the girl.

"Rei---what are you doing!?" Hanako asked, Tsukirei titls her head as she scoff.

"That's what you get for forcing Akemi out of her boundary. Do you know how boring and lonely I am without her?! It's annoying!" Tsukirei yelled, Hanako run towards his sister and grab her wrist.

'That's the only reason why she's mad? Because she was bored...? Really, this girl is a lot more childish than her sister...'

"The heck is your damn problem anyway? Why can't you just stay still, you're irritating," Tsukirei added, with a serious and cold tone of voice. The three humans behind them are all confused.

"Haha...hehehe..." Tsukirei creased her forehead as she grab Hanako's collar and float away from Tsukasa.

"Hahahahahaha! Is that how you greet your precious brother whom you haven't seen for a long time, Kirei?" Tsukasa asked, the girl didn't respond and just glared at him.

"Too bad, I was about to make a deal with you," Tsukirei and Hanako glanced at each other while the three behind them just gave them a look.

"You know, like giving you your own body and such," Tsukirei's eyes widened upon hearing her brother's words, but smirked afterwards.

"Giving me my own body? Like how you artificially created that boy from the photography club?" She spoke, Kou's eyes widened after hearing what Tsukirei said, a certain ghost came to his mind, but he quickly let go of the thought.

"Ah! You know about Mitsuba?"

"You...!" Tsukirei raised her left arm in front of Kou when the guy was about to mindlessly run towards her brother. Kou groaned while gritting his teeth, glaring intently to the guy in front of them.

"Shame though ~ you didn't like the idea. I thought it'll make you happy since you'll finally have your own body---like, you don't have to steal Akemi's body anymore," Tsukirei glared at him, she clenched her fist and grits her teeth after hearing her brother's word.

Hanako turn his head to Tsukirei, looking worried.

"Stop it, Tsukasa..." He spoke, Tsukasa scoffed and smirked at him.

"Well ~ I don't like wasting time! Oh, you wanna confront me, that's why you're here, right? Really...?" Tsukirei's brows met as she take a step backward, her brother's eyes looked really dull...and dark.

"If the purpose of your visit is simply talking to me...why is Kirei here?" Tsukasa asked, Tsukirei's glared at him. She knows that her brother is not an idiot, and because she heated the atmosphere up, she cannot lie and just say that it's because she wants to see him as her brother.

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