I crumpled and blacked out.


Mitchell's P.O.V.


"Take her away!" He yelled

"But sir-" I tried

"No. She has caused to much disgrace. Take her and wipe her memory." He demanded

"But sir, I'm a guard. Sworn to serve the royal family." I cowered

"I am the royal family." He yelled

"So is she." I said, afraid of how he would punish me if I didn't obey

"Not by blood." He spat

"She's the-" 

"Biggest mistake in the world. And as for you, don't obey and you'll have one less mouth to feed in your family. Espically that cute little daughter of yours. What's her name...... Maybell" He snarled

I gasped.

"Understand?" He growled

"I do." I gulped

"Good. Go." He smiled

I ran off.

~Flashback Over~

"Morne. Watch her. You have first shift." I barked

Morne nodded and I dismissed the others.

It had taken nearly all day to get here. It was already night.

I hopped into the van and drove for 15 minutes.

I arrived home and walked into the house.

"Daddy!" Maybell yelled, running into my arms

"Hey Maybell!" I laughed, kissing her head.

Her dark brown curls had already reached her waist.

"Your hair has grown." I admired

She nodded

"Mitchell!" Laila laughed, running to hug me

"Hello love." I smiled

"I thought you were working." She smiled

My eyes darkened.

"Special assignment." I muttered

She beamed

"Where's Kiley?" I asked, peering for my 13 year-old daughter

"Party." Mom said

"I get Daddy all to myself!" She giggled

"Yes you do." I smiled

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