The start of L'manberg

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❝ ☁︎·̩͙✧ welcome to the first hc chapter↶

Wilbur Soot;
Wilbur would definitely put the blame on others for the fun of it if something went wrong in the camarvan (like tubbo or Tommy)
Probably would be overprotective of Tommy if he ever clung to his side when someone from the SMP side came to the camarvan

Would cling to Wilbur whenever someone from the dream SMP side showed up
Probably would have been close to Eret before his betrayal
Tommy would secretly talk to sapnap about any type of chaos they could cause when they hung around eachother

Tubbo would get blamed for most of the chaotic things in the camarvan, nothing actually to serious he gets blamed for.
They adopted a little bee only for it to get really attached to tubbo, this started back up his love for the fuzzy pollinators.

Fundy; Being canonically Wilburs son these HCS go off that slightly;
Always hung around his uncle like figure Tommy, seemed to find comfort in him when Wilbur was busy.
Fundy has a weird amazement for large bodies of water like lakes or oceans
Seemed to always get along with any type of fish.. was pretty weird seeing him stare at a fish almost in a conversation type of vibe

Would be close to Tommy until his betrayal happened, almost like another brother figure to the younger.
Took the offer from dream to keep Tommy and Wilbur safe but ended up causing more bloodshed.. possible regret came with it.

When he first heard dream say something about the SMP being his he grew greedy for a few days to prove it would be his, grew out of it after 5 days.
Seems to have an extreme fascination with anything blue, especially any sort of animal with blue markings, always thought they were the prettiest.
Possibly during this time would own a pet of any sorts

Dream has a love for horses during this time.
Possibly saw Tommy as a good kid until chaos kept happening, quickly discarded that fact.

Definitely would hang around Tommy to talk about plans for chaos
Only person to get close to Tommy that was on Dreams side.. with no betrayals involved.
Seemed to have thought of Tommy as an annoying little brother/a really close friend but could never admit it incase of it being used against him.

Always playfully fought with dream or sapnap to see who would get annoyed first.
Seeing he's a mercenary he met dream through one of his jobs, after the job was finished he joined him on the SMP to fight a war thinking it would be fun. Has not left since.

-', as a note from the author, some of these chapters will be a bit slower for updates? Or just won't have many HCS for the characters.. it's been ages since the first war and my memory is kinda shit for that even though I could rewatch it. I hope some of you did enjoy this and if you guys actually have any ideas/HCS feel free to say anything :)! If you also have questions or statements feel free to say them 🖇

Dream SMP headcanonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora