Talha Bhai was their firstborn, the eldest son, their pride. My parents must be going insane with worry right now, but Dad was trying to remain composed, while Mum was supporting Tara and Zara.

"I think." Arzoo Aunty spoke up. "I'll go home with Tara, and Arzoo can come here. She must be eager to be here as well." 

"I'll drive you." I offered.

"It's okay, beta. I'll take an Uber." Aunty began to argue.

"No, Aunty, I wouldn't feel right with you or Mum taking the cab to and from the hospital at this time of the night. I'll drive you, don't worry. I'll also check on Tara and see if she needs anything." I turned to the fathers. "Please keep us updated." 

As we were about to leave, a team of nurses and doctors rushed past the waiting room...and into Bhai's room.

"Ya Allah Khair!" Aunty clutched her chest, her face turning pale. 

My own heart practically stopped. Ya Allah, please no. Please save my brother and give him a long and healthy life. Ameen.

I'd never seen Dad look as shaken. He looked like he was close to collapsing, and Hamid Uncle helped him into a seat. 

"Talha..." The blood had drained from my father's face. 

Aunty immediately sat down, closed her eyes and began to recite supplications. 

At the same time, my phone started vibrating and I pulled it out of the pocket. I had left it on vibration mode so that the noise was inconvenient, yet I would know if Tara or Mum called me.


I answered the phone. "Assalam Alaikum, Tara."

"Walaikum Assalam." Her voice was trembling. "Any updates?" 

I didn't want to tell her that just now, a medical team had rushed into Bhai's room. If Mum found out, she would faint or worse. And why do we panic when we see doctors and nurses? Those are literally the only humans you want to see around a sick/injured person, right? They're trained to deal with the worst possible situations. I was reassuring myself.

"Zain, what's going on?" Tara's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Sorry, I lost focus. No, no updates." I cleared my throat. "Listen, I'll call you if there's an update, okay? I don't feel right using a phone inside a hospital."

"Yeah, sure. Of course. And tell Mama to take good care of Zoha as well." She said, worriedly.

"Of course." I sank down onto a seat as well, dropping my head into my hands. 

"I'm going to ask someone if they know what's going on." Hamid Uncle strode out of the room before any of us could reply.



"Bhai!" I ran up the stairs, with my furious mother following me. 

I was seventeen and I was a true handful, but if anyone could calm my mother down, it was Talha Bhai.

"What's going on?" Bhai appeared on the landing and I used him as a shield, hiding behind him. "Zain, what did you do now?" 

"I'll tell you what he did!" Mum snapped. "He was caught riding a motorcycle! He has no licence, but he was riding around the streets with that good-for-nothing friend of his." 

"Zain, for God's sake, bro." Bhai sighed.

"Get me out of this one, Bhai." I said, quietly. "I promise, I'll make an attempt to behave myself the next time." 

Yours, EternallyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang