Chapter 23

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After all the running, the crying and the trying to stay alive, Kef felt a tickle in his heart. He stared at the bungalow and a smile almost broke on his lips. He wasn't the most insightful person but he certainly was not expecting to feel relieved to be back at the mysterious mansion. After the "drama" with his psychiatrist during the day, he could not stay home. Instead of heading back to his house after work, he had gone to the bungalow.

He needed something to work off his steam. It was better for that something to be the bungalow.

He wanted...he needed an answer.

Right before stepping into the trap door that led into the tunnel, Kef recalled the little bit of training he got from Dr Janet. He had always found breathing tricks cliché but figured he had nothing to lose. He was, after all, putting himself in danger, to say the least.

Once his feet landed on the ground inside the tunnel, the world went dark. The trace of light from above bathed him gently. As welcoming as it was, Kef declined the invitation to climb back up. He closed his eyes. Controlling his chest rhythm, he inhaled deeply before taking a step forward. This time, he had with him a small torchlight. At least he did not need to envelop himself in total darkness like the last time.

With each step, he kept his breathing rhythm. One deep breath in, one long breath out. After a while, he admitted to himself the technique worked.

When he made through all the way to the main hall without any mime sightings, Kef felt both surprised and relieved. But that didn't allow himself to put his guard down. He almost forgot that he didn't really have much to guard himself with, except for the pathetic torchlight in his hand.

Refusing to let his mind get the better of him, he started walking around the hall, looking for areas he missed the last time he was there. Again, the old curtains stared lifelessly back at him. Several times, he looked at the staircase. The assembly of child mimes standing there the other day made him look away.

After nearly ten minutes of scanning the area, nothing new surfaced. The house was the same as how it was the last time he was in it. Well, maybe there were more cobwebs and the layer of dust coating the floor had probably thickened. But neither of that could help him solve the mystery breeding in his head. Neither of that answered his questions about the mimes or what they wanted with him.

Feeling frustration crawling inside him, Kef stood in the middle of the atrium. He knelt down and closed his eyes. For no clear reason, despair rose inside him like a spreading virus. He had endured too many sleepless nights. His life had been at stake more times than he could remember. He couldn't even recall the last time he could go to bed without thinking about the mimes, or the bungalow, or anything that involved ghosts and devils and spirits.

He was tired. He wanted out. But all he was, was in. He was inside the bungalow. And nothing seemed to be going in his favour.

As he stayed in his spot, he forced himself to shove the emotions away. He tried to tap back into whatever lessons he had learned when he was a police officer. Even reaching out for a fraction of what he still remembered could possibly help him. Slowly, he traced his steps. He remembered going into the master bedroom but not the other rooms. One room was opened but he had seen that it was empty. The other room was closed.

His mind sprang to life. Yes, he knew he needed to check that room!

Kef hesitated for only a few seconds before sprinting up the steps. It was as if slowing down would invite the mime to line up once again. Not wanting to let fear sabotage his plan, he took two steps at a time, all of sudden feeling athletic.

But by the time he got to the top, his breathing rhythm was long gone. Kef doubled over, nearly retching. His vision blurred. He had to steady himself against the railing and close his eyes for several minutes. He cursed at himself for thinking he could have pulled that small stunt without suffering the aftermath. Kef remained in that position for several minutes. He only opened his eyes when he felt the world had stopped spinning.

PantomaniacOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora