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The pillar growled when the needle was poked into his arm, though he did not wake. His hand twitched in the discomfort and slight pain from the object being poked into him. Seeing this, Tanjiro placed his hand over Giyuu's.

"It's alright, Giyuu-san," he whispered, gently holding onto the other's hand. "You'll be human again soon." Giyuu's hand gently gripped Tanjiro's, his body relaxing again. I hope he isn't out for to long like Nezuko was... Tanjiro gazed at the pillar with deep concern. Yushiro, Tanjiro, and Tamayo sat in silence for hours, receiving no physical reaction to the antidote. Giyuu remained unconscious, his breathing shallow and his body almost completely motionless. After a long while of silence, Tanjiro stood again.

"Tamayo-san, I'm going to go get Giyuu-san some food," he declared.

"Oh, but Tanjiro, demons don't need food."

"I know, but I want to give Giyuu-san as much of a normal life as possible, even as a demon. Plus, maybe this'll wake him back up." Tamayo nodded in understanding. She and Yushiro watched as the demon slayer walked out of the room. He quickly left the building, only to be greeted a few moments later by Muichiro.

"Muichiro-san! Hello!"

"Hey Tanjiro." The mist pillar smiled at the sight of his friend. "Master Ubuyashiki asked me to get a report from you on Tomioka's condition, so I came here to find you."

"Oh, ok. Tamayo-san has given him the antidote, but so far nothing has changed. He's currently asleep too."

"Thanks for the report, Tanjiro," Muichiro said with a warm smile. "I'll make sure to tell the Master. Where are you headed now?"

"I was just about to get Giyuu-san some salmon with daikon," the red-haired boy replied. Muichiro tilted his head.

"But I thought demons didn't need to eat human foods."

"I know, but I want to give Giyuu-san a life as close to a humans as possible for however long he's a demon."

Muichiro gazed at Tanjiro for a few moments then another smiled appeared on his face. "That's so like you, Tanjiro." Muichiro stared at Tanjiro with admiration. "Well, I'm going to take this information to the master now. You take care of Tomioka-san, alright?"

"I will! I promise I'll return him to human!" At this, Muichiro and Tanjiro parted again. Tanjiro hurried on to the nearest place where he could get the food for Giyuu. After he got the simmered salmon with daikon, he headed back to Tamayo's place. Once he got back to the room Giyuu was in, he noticed Yushiro standing beside Tamayo, watching as she aided Tomioka. The demon turned his head when he heard Tanjiro enter.

"Back already," he said in a somewhat annoyed tone before walking away from the bed. Tanjiro walked back to the bed without responding, sitting back down in the chair. Tamayo straightened herself so she was no longer leaning over Giyuu.

"Giyuu-san, I'm back," the demon slayer said softly, cupping one of his hands over Tomioka's. With the other he set down the bento box that he had put the food in. "I brought you something. Please wake-up, Giyuu-san." Tanjiro heard Giyuu's breathing steady, and felt the pillar's hand twitch under his own. Giyuu softly gripped Tanjiro's hand, his eyes slowly beginning to open. Tanjiro smiled, a small laugh of relief escaping his mouth. Giyuu gazed up at him, staring with such admiration, and something else too. A deeper feeling, and a stronger one too.
"Are you hungry, Giyuu-san?" Tanjiro grabbed the bento box, opening it to reveal the food. Giyuu slowly sat up, Tamayo watching him closely to make sure the wound didn't become worse from the movement. Once he realized what was in the box, Giyuu's eyes shone, and he reached out a hand towards the food. It seems like he still really likes this food, even as a demon. Or at least, he likes the sight of it, Tanjiro noted mentally.

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