2 - Rocket Jump Waltz

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"Hey, wait up!" Mermista exclaimed to the man. "You can't just run into hordes and hordes of soldiers from nowhere!"

"Young lady, these soldiers are no ordinary soldiers! From what you said, these soldiers are Nazis and Communists!" The man said. "We need destroy them before they destroy us!"

"That's just borderline suicide!" Perfuma exclaimed at the (Presumably) insane man.

"What do you mean 'suicide?' That's just a thing a Japanese would do!"

Seriously, they don't even know what he is saying. What is a "Japanese?"


The insane man stopped as the whole Princess Alliance saw that they are LITERALLY thousands of Nazi & Communist Soldiers. Although, that won't stop the crazed man.

"Looks like its gonna be a field day for me!" The man said.

"No! This is not gonna be a field day!" Adora/She-Ra said.

"For you!" The insane man said. "I'm gonna destroy all of these myself!"

Oh boy.

Here we go.


He charged at them with zero hesitation. The Princess Alliance were stupefied by just looking at the sight of this.

"Never mind," Bow said. "Let's just charge at this guys."

They charged at them and the Nazi/Communist soldiers did too. Let's go to Soldier's POV, shall we?

Soldier's POV

This damn maggots is trying to invade their land? Distasteful! Only death can resolve this mess.

With a quick strike to a Nazi's face with my trusty shovel, he fell dead. Maybe its how strong the hit was. Hehe, prepare to die, Nazis & Communists!

Now, at the Third Person POV.

The fight was brutal, now that this crazed man is now legit ass kicking the Nazis and Communists.

With a side of killing.

"Uh, guys?" Perfuma said. "Is it just me, or is he killing them?"

"What do you mean...?" Catra said, now looking at the corpses of the now dead soldiers.


The Soldier was maniacally laughing while he destroys most of the Nazi/Communist soldiers, while he was doing that, he blasted his Rocket at his feet, then, not believing the Laws of Physics, he rocket jumped!

"What in the world...?" Scorpia said, stupefied.

"Now that is something that I won't see everyday." Entrapta said.


He blasted the Nazis and Communists with his RPG. It really is a gruesome sight, because there are lots of blood everywhere.

"This... Doesn't go with harmony." Perfuma said, about to puke.

"No time for a chat!" Adora/She-Ra commanded. "We had to fight the soldiers before they get into the core of Etheria!"


As for Soldier, he is now smacking every Nazi and Communist soldier he sees. Its pretty fun, for him, atleast.

If you wanna know what happened to the soldiers, they are now 30% of them. They were like thousands of soldiers. How did that happened? I don't know, but maybe he is Soldier! Thats why!

"Sir, uns gehen die Soldaten aus! Wir müssen uns zurückziehen!" A soldier said to a commander.

(Translation: "Sir, we are running out of soldiers! We must retreat!"

"Пошло все к черту." The commander said. "Спасаться бегством!"

(Translation: "Damn it all. Retreat!")

They, unexpectedly to the Princess Alliance, retreated Without hesitation.

"They... Retreated?" Hordak said.

"Now, that's something." Mermista said.

The Princess Alliance looked at the man who made them retreat. He was standing at the top of a body of a Nazi.

"Say," Catra said. "Who the hell are you?"

The man turned around to see them all.

"I am Soldier!" The man said. "The Nazis' and Communists' nightmare!"

After the events, the Princess Alliance interviewed Soldier, as he calls himself. They were asking questions and got confusing answers in exchange.

"So, this guy is from America?" Catra said. "Where the hell is that?"

"Its from a planet called 'Earth!'" Soldier said. "The country is built for Freedom, if you wanna know that."

"Okay," Adora/She-Ra said. "I never heard of everything of what you said."

"Does that mean you are not American?" Soldier randomly asked.

"What the flip does that mean?" Perfuma said.

"You will never know..." Soldier said.

"Alright, I guess that's enough." Adora said. "We need to go to Glimmer's castle tomorrow. Eliminate every Nazi and Communist soldier in sight."

"I'll be the job for that, young lady." Soldier proudly said.


The next day.

As day rises, the Princess Alliance woke up as usual. Ever since the insane man they encountered, they seem to be skeptical about this.

I mean, who would have a crazed man as a Saviour of Etheria? That would be a sight to see.

"Uh, where did Soldier go?" Catra asked.

They looked around to see that Soldier was nowhere to be found.

"HELLO, YOUNGLINGS!" Soldier said, appearing out of nowhere.

"GYAH!" Everybody jumped.

"What the heck, man?" Catra said. "You can't just scare around people like that..."

"Hehe, it's my favourite thing to do in the morning!" Soldier said.

"Ugh, why did we have you for a saviour again?" Adora muttered.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Glimmer said. "Let's go to the castle, now."

They started to move and Soldier followed.

Sorry if I took long to make this chapter. I was busy making Tricky And The Devils.

I am also sorry this is short. I was in a rush in making this. Hope you enjoyed it tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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