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Louis pov :  slightly stirred from sleep to someone judging her shoulder. Her limbs felt like they had fifty-pound weight on them. her mer mind war  clouded , as if  trying to see ahead while in the middle of a snowstorm and seeing nothing but a blanket of while. she cracked open her eyes and saw a boy facing her . everything was a blur, but a could still make out  his striking turquoise eyes . I'm dead . I know it . I'm in heaven . This being before me must be god. but if I'm dead why am l so tired ? me must be god . But if I'm  dead why am I so tired ? "are      you an angel or god ?" she mumble in english . his eyes widened as he quickly drew away from her . "english" ! he replied speaking with a french accent . "who are you?" She rubbed her face into the pillow, then peered at him through half open eyes . "elizabeth" , she said beginning to nod back off into her all - escaping sleep. "am l dead" " no, you are within my apartments '', were her last words to him before she fall asleep again , turning onto her side with her back to him . King louis looked on the englishwoman, his mind how cluttered with even more questions. he was disappointed not to be able to speak her more , flabbergasted she  did  not recognize who he was, and double angry that she was english. Desite this this her beautiful eyes and the terrible ideas he had about  her dissipated . Elizabeth , but who was she ? how in his bed ? he wanted to learn more, but  he became aware that she was not in a natural sleep . She must  have taken it of her own free will .

versailles and girl time travelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon