Chapter 3: The disaster

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A few weeks have passed from the first test. And now came the 'practical' test. I woke up this time at 5:14 because they told us that we needed to be at the school at 5:45. They informed us that we were going to a stadium-like place. Where different phenomenon was going to occur. (Ship sinking, tornados, etc.) And we are supposed to find a way to stop them.

The stadium was far away so that explains why we had to go so early. By the time we get there it could be 11 already.

So I woke up at 5:14 had a shower, ate breakfast and went to school. But Shinsou wasn't there, because he is in class B1 so they are not doing that test.
I was by myself...

"Hey Erika!Baby~" said a familiar voice. I turn around only to see Rin. My ex. "Wha- Rin? What are you doi-? Are you drunk!?" I said coming closer to him, and sniffing him. Ge smelt like alcohol, alot. "Rin where were you?" I asked. "Me? Pffttt. Where were you? You didn't come home last night." He said half standing. "Rin that's because I'm not your girlfriend anymore. Remember?" I asked him. "Whaaaa-? Yeah you are" he replied acting like a toddler. "Rin I don't have time for this." I started walking away until he grabbed me wrist and his quirk got activated. His quirk was fire, just fire. My wrist started burning up as his grip got tighter, and tighter. "Rin-! You're hurting me!" I started whinning. "Hey~" said a other familiar voice I heard. It was Todoroki. "Leave her alone" he continued, only looking at Rin. Rin didn't let go and my hand started burning up again, but more painful this time. As I was whinning Todoroki put his right hand over Rin's hand and froze him. Rin immediately let got and started grunting in pain. He took my wrist and pulled me under his arm "Hey are you ok?" He was hugging me at this point which made me feel better but also guilty. "Mhm" I just said. We stopped hugging and he was just holding my hand at this point. We walked together to the bus stop and we didn't say or do anything. We just sat there, in silence. Once we stopped and got off the bus, we started walking towards the school, also hand in hand. "Wait- why were you there?" I asked in confusion. "Oh right well. Don't worry I wasn't stalking you. I live in that street, a little further down." He replied worrying. "Ohhhh ok." I replied. And the awkward silence started again.

We where there, waiting on the steps infront of our school. The bus had just arrived and everyone was getting on it. Once everyone got on it we got up. And sat next to each other in the back row. "Thank you Todoroki." I said "Your welcome" he replied "Wait aren't you supposed to lecture me on how I shouldn't talk to him and stuff." I asked waiting for a lecture. "I live with a man that used to do the same thing for more than I can remember. And sometimes just sometimes you can't do anything about it. I am just happy now that you are safe." He said. I was shocked to be honest. "Oh- I am so sorry Shoto. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I replied "You didn't" that's all that he said. I didn't reply but I heard Mic saying some about how the ride is going to be 2.5-3 hours. Perfect we have a long time until we get there.

~Todoroki's pov~

We were listening to Mic talking about how great this experience was gonna be and stuff like that. Until I felt a weight on my left shoulder. I looked over and I saw her. Erika. She was sleeping? I didn't know what to do until it hit me. She felt comfortable to even sleep on me. That reasuring feeling was amazing.

~Erika's pov~

I woke up from Todoroki nugging me slightly. "Hm?" I asked 'I guess I slept' I thought. "Sorry I didn't want to wake you. It just- we have arrived" he said "oh ok" I yawned. "Thanks" he said "For what? I didn't do anything." I asked. "For trusting me." He replied. And I didn't say anything. Is it that important for him?

Once the bus stopped we all, as a class, got up and started walking towards the stadium. It was ginormous, and fancy? President Mic was explaining what we where going to do. We where assigned as groups to take care of one phenomenon. I was in group 5. In the group was Me, Denki, Tokoyami, Todoroki and Jirou. And that was a good team to be on.

They assigned team 5 for the tornado. Like yeah I have strong powers but how am I supposed to defeat a fricking tornado!?

I had no idea but it wasn't until we hadn't even started and we saw a black portal. It came out of nowhere and it swallowed me, Todoroki and Denki whole. We where in a black space. The only thing you could see was black.

"Erika, Todoroki!" Denki shouted "Here!" I said "Here" said Todoroki too. We all followed Todoroki's voice and we found him. "What's happening?" I asked since I have never seen a villain.
"Their villains. I don't know why they are here. But first we need to find a way out of here so we can help the others." Todoroki answered and we both nodded in agreement. Denki turned around and blast a lightning bolt to I don't even know where. What ever he hit, it worked because that villain let us free. And it wasn't dark anymore, we where in the stadium again. We saw a bunch of villains and our classmates fighting, and the teachers. "Well that worked" I said but no one responded.

Todoroki and Denki immediately activated their quirk and started running towards Jirou and Tokoyami. "Wait!" I shouted "Hm?" They both replied. "I- Ugh just fuck it" I said and touched Todoroki's fire side. Now I had the Fire quirk but I didn't really know how to use it. Todoroki stared at me like i was an alien. Todoroki can be very scary at times.

I looked over and I saw a villain punching Bakugou so I ran there and blasted the villain. "HEY DUMBASS I COULD HAVE DONE THAT!" He screamed at me "Your welcome" is all I said and blasted away.

I was sitting there not knowing what to do. I was just looking around for a classmate that might need help. Until someone grabbed my hands, put them behind my back and lifted me up. I could move, I was struggling but it did nothing. "COVER YOUR EARS!" Bakugou shouted and I did. I heard faint blasts. And then I fell on to someone, who was sweating alot, and I mean alot. It was Bakugou he saved me. "Your welcome." He said in his normal voice still holding be in his arms. "Thank you."I whispered  loud enough for him to hear me. And his face went from smirking to sudden surprise. Until we heard growling, it was that villain thing. But Midoriya attacked it. His quirk was...I actually don't know. It was like super strength. Like All might?

"HEY SHITY DEKU THAT WAS MY KILL!" Bakugou shouted at Deku? Or Midoriya I don't know.
I wanted to help but my quirks would be useless against that thing. But the words of my step father were repeatedly going over and over and over again. "Never copy that kids Izuku Midoriya's quirk! Never!" Why shouldn't I? If I did I could help them.

So I did I reached out for Midoriya's hand and said "Midoriya reach for my hand!" He was confused but he did anyway. Once his hand touched mine I felt this power. I don't know what it was. But I could understand why it was dangerous. Midoriya's face went pale with realisesion once he understood what he had just done. Or rather who he gave his powers to.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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