Chapter 9 - Worthy

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Loki frowned a little when he sat down on the couch, continuing to comfort the young Stark in his arms. He watched as Thor removed the body so Tony wouldn't have to see it again. He looked up when he heard the other Avengers rush in.

"Jarvis alerted us that the Tower was under attack. Is everyone okay?" Steve asked as he looked at the three of them.

"Me and Thor may have a few injures. Stark is fine, physically." Loki says as he stands up.

"Do you need me to check your injuries?" Bruce asked and Thor shook his head.

"Not at all Banner! Me and Loki have advanced healing. With the injuries that we sustained, they should already be healed!" Thor says with a smile on his face.

"That's good. What happened though? Tony's shaking like a leaf." Natasha asked as she walked over, taking Tony off of Loki after seeing how uncomfortable he was.

"One had entered the lab. He defended himself with something he made and let us just say it worked too well." Loki says.

"Oh dear. He must've been terrified. But he did the right thing in protecting himself." Natasha says as she rubs Tony's back gently.

She felt him snuggle his face into her neck and wrap his arms around her neck.


After some time of comfort and reassuring from every single member of the team, Tony eventually calmed down. The grocery delivery had come in and now Steve was cooking something big and healthy for all of them. Tony was currently watching a movie with Thor but it was easy to tell that he was getting bored. But Clint was quick to get up. Tony looked at Clint.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked as he tilted his head a little.

"I just remembered that I've got some things that you might enjoy." Clint says with a smile and rushed out.

Tony looked at Thor, who he was sat next to. Thor just shrugged at him and Tony went back to looking at the TV. He looked over when he saw Clint enter again, carrying a box of lego.

"What's that?" Tony asked as he climbed off the couch.

"It's lego. You build things out of it. This is all of my spare parts box. You can build whatever you want out of them." Clint says as he puts the rather large box down on the floor and opened it.

Tony walked over and looked at the legos in the box. He began taking a couple of pieces and stuck them together.

"Like this?" Tony asked, looking at Clint, hopeful he had done it correctly.

"Yeah. Just like that. Go on, build whatever you'd like." Clint says as he sits down, Tony joining him.

The two of them began building things out of lego. Clint was focused on making a bow and arrow. Tony, on the other hand, was building a tower that very much resembled the avengers tower.

"Guys, Lunch is ready. It's pasta." Steve says as he brings bowls in the living room.

He handed them out so they could eat there. Mostly to make sure Tony was comfortable after what happened. Tony stopped building to eat his pasta and then went back to it once he was done. Everyone was just happy that Tony was his happy and cheerful self at the moment. Natahsa had again taken a photo of him and whispered to the others about the plan to take cute photos and put the photos on a group chat. The others all nodded and she added them to a group chat. She then sent the photos that she had already gotten so the others could see them. They all smiled at them.

Tony continued to build with Clint, his tongue stuck out a little as he concentrated. Clint looked at Tony and smiled a little. Tony had that habit as an adult and funnily enough, Clint was glad he still did. It was a sense of normality between child and adult Tony considering they were both so different. It was weird seeing the same person at different ages be so different from each other. He was sure that if they saw Tony as a teen, he'd be completely different from his adult and child self.

Tony then looked over when he saw the hammer at Thor's feet. He put down the lego in his hand and walked over to them. He tugged at Thor's cape and looked up at him.

Thor was busy looking at the photos on Natasha's phone when he felt a tug on his cape. He looked down at Tony.

"What is it little one?" Thor asked as he looked at Tony.

"Can I pick up your hammer?" Tony asked.

Everyone looked at Tony.

"What?" Tony questioned when he saw that everyone was staring at him.

"No one other than Thor is able to move his hammer." Steve says.

"Is it really heavy?" Tony asked.

"You can say that." Natahsa says.

"Can I try?" Tony asked.

None of them were willing to say no to the child.

"Of course." Thor says as he moves the hammer, putting it in front of Tony.

Tony looked at the hammer and wrapped his hands around the handle. He began struggling to move it. The others all watched, not expecting anything different from the last time Tony had attempted to lift the hammer. The hammer shifted a little and actually began lifting off the ground. Tony then lifted the hammer fully.

Everyone was absolutely shocked to see that Tony had actually lifted the hammer without too much of an issue.

"You are right. It is really heavy." Tony says as he waddles over to Thor with the hammer.

Natahsa was quick to snap a picture of Tony holding the hammer so the others that weren't there could see the photo.

Tony handed the hammer back to Thor.

"Thank you for letting me attempt to pick it up! I'm going to go back to legos!" Tony says as he heads back over to where the lego was, like nothing ever happened.

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