Chapter 8 - Guilty

Start from the beginning

"Do not tell the other avengers that I allowed you to have these poptarts. They are a secret." Thor says, Tony nodding at that.

It didn't take long for either of them to finish their poptarts. Thor put their plates in the sink to be cleaned up later.

"Can we go to the lab?" Tony asked and Thor nodded.

"Of course. We can see my brother as well as he is down there working on something with Banner." Thor says.

Tony smiled and climbed down off the chair, holding out his hand to hold Thor's. Thor took his hand in his own and began walking him down to the lab. It didn't take them long to get there, seeing Loki there working on what him and Bruce had been doing to try and fix Tony.

"What are you doing here brother? I was told that you would not come down here so I could have some peace and quiet from you." Loki says.

"Do not worry. I will be leaving. The child of iron wanted to come down to the lab. You will have to keep an eye on him in order to make sure that he is safe." Thor explains, letting go of Tony's hand so he could wander off in the lab to do what he wants to do.

"You know that I do not like being left alone with children." Loki grumbles as he crosses his arms.

"Do not worry. He shall not bother you." Thor says.

"I won't Mr Loki! I've very good at not bothering people!" Tony says with a big smile on his face as he heads over to a desk to get on with some lab work.

"Fine. I shall watch tiny Stark. If he becomes a nuisance, you had better come and collect him." Loki says, watching Thor nod.

"Of course brother. I shall leave you to this." Thor says as he leaves the lab.

Loki just sighed and looked over at Tony to make sure he was okay. He saw that he was already engrossed in some blueprints and was already beginning to build. He had to admit, Stark was definitely cute like this. But he wasn't going to admit that to anyone. Nope.

He definitely didn't want to cuddle the child.

He went back on working on the cure. He couldn't get distracted. The sooner a cure was made, the quicker he could get back to Asgard and spend his time in the library. He was only here for his magic anyway.

"BROTHER!! I REQUIRE ASSISTANCE!!" He hears Thor shout and Loki sighs.

"Stay in the lab Anthony. I shall see what my idiotic brother has done." Loki says, noticing that Tony didn't even notice that Loki had said that, to engrossed in what he was doing.

Loki headed out of the lab, wondering  what Thor had gotten himself into, or what he had done. What he hadn't expected was the HYDRA agents that had stormed the tower, Thor was trying to fight them off without destroying the place.

"You should have shouted earlier!" Loki snaps as he joins the fight, summoning his knives.

"I thought I could take them on my own! But there are too many for me to handle in such a confined space!" Thor shouts back as he knocks one back with his hammer.

Because of the confined area the two were in, it didn't take long for the two to be overpowered by the agents. They were pinned down by two of the agents while another headed towards the lab.

"Leave them alone!" Thor heard Tony shout and then the sound of a repulsor going off.

Then there was a thud.

Loki looked up when he noticed that the agents that had them pinned were distracted and used that to his advantage, taking the one on top of him down before knocking the one off Thor.

---Time Skip till after the fighting---

Both Gods had managed to drive out all of the agents from the tower. They had tried to capture one of them but they were actually more worried about Tony. Loki was the one that headed towards the lab. He frowned at what he saw.

Tony was shaking rather badly, staring at the dead Hydra agent with a hole in his chest. Tony had a repulsor glove on his left hand, tailored to his hand size.

"I-I didn't mean to..." Tony mumbled as he shook.

Loki walked over to Tony and picked him up, holding him close to his chest. He made sure Tony couldn't see the body as he walked out of the lab.

Thor looked at the two and frowned as well.

"It's not your fault Anthony. You were protecting yourself." Loki says, rubbing Tony's back.

"B-but..." Tony says but Loki interrupted him.

"It does not matter now. You did what you had to do." Loki says as he continues to comfort the child.

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