He finally looked up from his phone, hearing Yeji's voice. As he stood up, he saw Gyeoul walking not far behind his friend. He was momentarily stunned by two reasons: the fact that he was not informed that Gyeoul would be tagging along and just.. Gyeoul in general.

He composed himself as the two grew closer.

"You look like you're heading to a funeral." Minho commented, boldly scanning Gyeoul's dark outfit.

Real smooth.

Her white hair contrasted greatly with her black top and bottoms, attracting more attention than usual. Minho tried hard to tear his eyes away from her torso that showed a silver of skin.

"Just say I look drop dead gorgeous and call it a day." Gyeoul sighed.

He met her eyes for a few seconds before walking ahead without saying anything else.

The three almost caused traffic as they made their way across the streets. They chatted animatedly amongst themselves, oblivious to the eyes of the passersby.


The frat house where the party was located was like any other frat house. It was located near campus, fairly big, and was always throwing parties. It was a mystery how they haven't been sued for noise disturbance.

The three easily found their way as the party could be heard two blocks away.

It was an unspoken rule to never arrive at a party at its designated time –an informal one, for that matter. You must always go at least two hours later. And so, when they arrived, the party was already in full swing.

University students– people littered the yard, holding drinks of their own. Some were chatting, some were making out, some were playing games, some were throwing up, and some were simply passed out on the yard.

As the three neared the house, they each greeted the people whom they know. Mostly Yeji since she was literally a social butterfly. Minho merely gave a few nods of acknowledgement and Gyeoul greeted a few block mates, which honestly, she did not even remember the names of.

"Want to get me a drink?" Minho teased, leaning closer to Gyeoul's ear due to the booming music. Her bright hair brushed his nose which made his smirk grow.

Gyeoul shot him a look, leaning even closer. "Not really." She replied, ignoring the fact that her lips had just brushed his ear. She decided to leave the two to get her own drink.

With a smirk, Minho watched as the girl confidently strutted her way into the house. His eyes narrowed as the drunk men had their beady little eyes glued onto her.

Gyeoul manoeuvred her way into the kitchen, expertly dodging the alcohol and/or drug infested bodies. She began mixing a drink of her own and just as she was about to finish, a body bumped into her, causing the red cup to fall.

"I am so sorry!"

Her eyes lifted to meet a pair of innocent eyes which were very much wide with alert. "I was pushed! I'm so sorry!" The boy exclaimed, obviously flustered as he bowed down as an apology.

Gyeoul could not help but chuckle before reaching for a new cup. "You're cute." She said, beginning to mix another drink.

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