Chapter 23: I Care (ii)

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Chapter 23: I Care (ii)

You didn't get the chance to talk to Itsuki too much today. The fact saddened you, but he was too busy. The whole studio was empty, only with a few lingering employees that were left behind as you made your way to Itsuki's office, bringing your hand up and knocking on the door.


"(Name)? Come in," Itsuki called back, and you opened the door. He stood before you with a box in his hands, filled with a few of his things as you sighed.

"So, this is it?"

"Sadly," He frowned, "But you have my number. Tell me how the new director is, okay?"

Your smile threatened to falter as he spoke those words. It felt surreal. "I don't want you to leave."

"To be honest, I don't want to really leave either," He pulled the box closer to him, "But life must go on, right?"

"You're the whole reason I'm even here, and you're just being forced to up and leave?" You spoke a bit loudly, your voice filled with passion as you expressed yourself, "It's... not fair."

"Life isn't very fair, is it?" Itsuki forced a smile.


"Man, you're gonna make this old man start crying," He chuckled, running a leisure hand through his black hair with his free hand.

"What agency are you going to work for after this?"

"Still looking," He replied with a shrug, "But I need to get going. You're going to make it far, you know that, right (Name)?"

You clenched your jaw into place, your fingernails digging deep into your skin.

"Remember, to let me know how it is with the new guy around," Itsuki bitterly chuckled, "Let's hope you get a few more days off, yeah?"

"I already told you I was joking," You frowned at his ability to crack a joke despite the situation.

"Yeah yeah," He threw his hand up, the other clutching tightly onto the box as he turned his back towards you, "I'll see you later."

You sniffled, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt before turning on your heel and walking the opposite direction. "See you around, Itsuki."


Walking into Inarizaki, the dark circles around your eyes seemed to be getting worse by the day, and Atsumu immediately noticed, but tried not to pry into it.

"Good morning Atsumu, Osamu," You smiled at the twins.


"Good morning," Osamu hummed in reply, following his brother.

"Miyas!" A deep voice suddenly boomed out of seemingly nowhere, both Atsumu and Osamu turning around to face the voice, "You comin' to the party tonight?"

"Party?" Atsumu's brow raised.

"Yeah. The party at mine tonight," The male grinned, his violent green eyes glancing at Atsumu before slowly trailing to his left where you stood, zoning in on your form, "Who's that?"

"This?" Atsumu motioned to his side, slinging his arm over your shoulder with a small smirk, "(Nam-"

"I'm (L.Name) (Name)," You informed, interrupting the blond. The green eyed male began walking towards you, "Nice to meet you. You?"

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