Chapter 4: Childish Rebuttal

Start from the beginning

A first grade. Again?

The only reason they had defeated the first grade 1 with ease was due to the fact that there were four of them, all in perfect condition.

Had this curse been hiding it's presence? It was quite skilled in the feat, managing to evade being recognized by the 4 sorcerer's until the very last second.

"Shit...," (Name) clenched his jaw, blood slowly trickling down his chin.

"Stay back," Fushiguro spoke, rushing to (Name)'s side as he sat the injured sorcerer up against a wall, "I'll deal with this one."

The e/c eyed male was about to protest, ready to stand to his feet before falling back down on his butt, going back to clenching onto his wound that hindered him from properly moving.

"Demon dogs," Fushiguro summoned, a black dog appearing at his side as (Name) reached over, biting his tongue to keep him going as his fingers gently hit the creature.

"Artemis," (Name) blurted, the woman appearing at his side as she took aim at the curse who had begun to walk forwards. She pulled the string back, an arrow appearing as she shot, the cursed spirit seemingly unphased as it continued to drag itself forwards, leaving a residue of slime on the ground where it walked.

"It has some sort of armor," She spoke with caution, slightly surprised since it looked although it would have a softer surface, judging from it's appearance.

"(L.Name), get out of here," Fushiguro demanded, "Go get down to Itadori and Kugisaki."

"I'm... not leaving," (Name) scoffed, glancing down to see a stab wound that almost resembled a knife, blood slowly oozing out of the injury.

"It has some sort of armor, right?" Fushiguro asked, his left leg sliding back as he got into a fighting stance, "That must mean it has a weak point."

"Artemis, help him find it," (Name) glanced up at the woman who slightly frowned.

Hesitant at the sight of her injured contractor, she sighed. "Very well."

The demon dog pounced at the curse that simply shrugged it off as if it were nothing more than a mere bug. Artemis shot again, the arrow simply bouncing off aswell as it hit what she assumed was the curse's armor.

The curse glared at Fushiguro whose hands formed the shape of an owl, his voice firm. "Nue."

The owl-like shikigami let out a loud screech as it dashed forwards, it's wings producing a purple electricity as it hit the curse, seemingly doing no damage against it.

The curse lifted it's arm, bringing it's arm down in Fushiguro's direction as he was about to dash to get out of the way before he felt it.

He couldn't lift his feet. He glanced down, eyes widened at the sight of the slime that had been attached to his feet. When did that even get there?

"Fushiguro get out of the way!" (Name) yelled at him, standing to his feet as he almost stumbled over himself.

"I can't move-!" He replied, and Artemis dashed in front of him, lifting her bow and arrow to face the palm of the curse's hand that was about to collide with him. The arrow appeared, shooting and only barely managing to gouge a bit of it's flesh, "What are you doing? You're gonna get hit!"

The hand of the curse came crashing down, and (Name) lifted his hand in her direction, crossing his fingers as she seemed to turn into a bright green light, retuning back to the h/c who was now standing, being supported by the wall. The curse's hand had barely missed him- it had probably changed it's target to the Goddess right before, and (Name) must've noticed.

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