Strange News at Dinner

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3rd POV

           (Y/N) frowned as she took in the appearance of the abandoned island. This island was known for being “cursed” and (Y/N) thought that she could use this island as a secret hideout for her and her precious family when they traveled down from the Empire. Being stationed here wouldn’t be so bad since it was located in the North Blue, however, (Y/N) wanted to make sure her children wouldn’t be hurt here so she wanted to personally see what the “curse” was. As (Y/N) looked around her daughter, Okazaki, a Moth creature with a humanoid form, smiled at the gloomy sight, “This place is wonderful! I can sense so many untapped dark arts here.”

           As Okazaki spoke, she twirled her black parasol as her silky wings spread out in joy

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           As Okazaki spoke, she twirled her black parasol as her silky wings spread out in joy. As she stopped twirling, she held her parasol with one pair of arms as the other cupped a wilting flower nearby, “I can definitely imagine myself running away here to get me some deserved quiet time from my siblings.” A snort was heard behind her which caused Okazaki to frown and crush the wilting flower, “I think it should be the other way around. The family should come here to get away from you, Sister.”

           Okazaki sneered as she turned around to see her brother, Fumio. A man studying the dark arts and using their demonic powers for himself. He had white hair, pale eyes, and a dark and red outfit with metal gloves.

 Okazaki glared at him for a minute before smiling and twirling her parasol, “I think you need it more than them

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Okazaki glared at him for a minute before smiling and twirling her parasol, “I think you need it more than them. After all, you're the one who always get their arse handed to them by Sister Sakura. I don’t even know why you keep challenging her. She’ll always be a better witch than you.”


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