The last day

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Levi POV

"nooooooo I. can't live without you why did you do that four eyes "

levi sitting in the top of the hange's grave
he's crying and crying again because he can't live without hange noisyness and craziness

"if y'all  leave me like this situation I don't have any reason to live"

After that he drink the poisonous water
he feel the dizziness and then the darkness cope him

"clean freak wake up"

I heard someone calling me then I slowly open my eyes and Im so shock when I saw all of my squad members my closest friends then hange I cant balieve what I see

"you guys what are you doing here?"

'yoo your here at the reincarnation void we will be born again in another time and place " erwin said

' I'm really excited about that I want to experiment some people there ' hange yell because of excitement

But I'm still shock I don't really get it I just saw them going in to the door then I see hange talking to moblit

" han-" I yell to her but someone grab my shoulder then stop me by yelling

"captain I'm so happy to see you" petra said happily.

I want to go to hange so we're both go to the door of reincarnation but petra seems don't want me to go

"I'm happy to see you" then she hug me
I don't want to hug her but her hug is so tight I can't go but most of all I see hange staring at me  and she shook her head before entering the door with moblit

"hange!!!!!!!!" I yell at her but it seems that she already gone

"captain let's go together to the door" petra said to me while grabbing my hands but i punch petra

After we enter the door I can't see anything but a light then I feel sleepy

clean freak and four eyes (levi and hange love story) Where stories live. Discover now