Chapter 1

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Hanamaki's POV

"Hey cutie, could use another drink over here." I resisted rolling my eyes and smiled at the drunk guy as I set down another glass down for him. He laughed, taking a drink of it before giving my behind a slap. I held myself back from hitting him in the face with my serving tray.

It was awful here... I was always being harassed by the men here. And it wasn't just me, other servers were too. But, they didn't mind. A lot of them actually enjoyed the atmosphere of this place. I hated it. It was loud, the lights were always going crazy to match the noise.. It gave me a headache. 

I'd love to just quit, but, I couldn't. I had a son I had to keep a roof over his head and to keep fed. I worked a day job all day, and then this place all night. Thank goodness my older sister would watch him until I get home... at like 2 am. 

Oh well. All this work was worth it if it kept him healthy, and I could afford things he wanted like new toys or coloring books. I just wish I had more money to take him places. Or the time to do anything more with him. Whenever he'd ask me to go swimming or play with him, I'd always drag myself around to do it. But I was on the brink of exhaustion sometimes. 

I've tried complaining to my manager about the, basically sexual harassment, I'd get. But he can't do anything. He's talked to the owner of this place and he doesn't really give a shit. He lets it continue because it's what makes the most money. Stupid rich people. 

Time Skip to 2 a.m.


"Hi baby.... what on earth are you doing awake....?" I asked, barely awake myself as I picked up my son.

"Sorry, I tried to get him back to bed, but he wanted to see you." My sister said as she walked over. I nodded, my eyes closing slightly before I shook my head.

"Oh, it's okay. Thanks for watching him."

"Sure... Hey you okay?"


"..Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Just tired." I said with a small smile. My sister nodded, patting my shoulder as she left. Good thing her job was in the evenings into the night so she could sleep tomorrow... or today. Whatever. 

"Daddy, can you read me a bedtime story?"

"Sure baby.. come on." I said, carrying him back to his room. I yawned as I tucked him in, smiling faintly and grabbing the bedtime story he held up to me. I looked at the book, turning on his little night light before sitting with him to read. Once the story was over, he begged for another.

It didn't take long for me to give in, and I ended up reading him 2 more stories until he fell back asleep. I slowly climbed out of bed and made sure the blanket was covering him and he was warm before I went to my room.

"...2:30 am." I mumbled to myself, not even having the energy to change before I just climbed into bed and passed out. 

Somewhere in the night, I felt movement. I opened my eyes, seeing my son climbing into bed with me. 

"Hey.. Is something wrong baby?" I asked half awake. He grabbed my arm and held it up, or as high up as a 5 year old could do, and climbed under the covers to snuggle. I laughed tiredly and pulled him close. 

He fell back asleep while holding on tightly to my shirt. His face was hidden in my chest and he was all hunched up. He'd always sleep like this when he felt lonely and scared... It made me wish he had another parent with him during the day. I'd love to be with him during the day. But I can't. 

Instead, he had to spend all day with other people, and usually, it was a friend of mine who works from home so he was able to watch him. I always would make sure that whoever watched over him would take proper care of him. And it was never strangers. Ever. 

I had my sisters, my parents, and a few friends who were able to watch him. And it isn't like I've really had any time to find myself someone to date, let alone think of marrying. And the only person that I had found once, they weren't very fond of children. Not even my own, so they were out of here as soon as I found them yelling at my son for bothering them. 

My thoughts were all jumbled up and starting to slip from tiredness. I took another look down, yawning and pulling the blanket high up over me and my son. I took a glance at the time, groaning softly to see it was around 4 am. 

I had work in a few hours, then I'd be able to go pick up my son, bring him home to make him dinner, and then just go back to work to repeat this all over again. As willing as I was to do all of this, I do sort of wish I had someone to help.

Someone more than just my sisters or parents. They can't keep this up forever. I know both my sisters want to start families. And my parents live further away and are in retirement, they can't be stopping to be raising my own kid. I needed another parent, basically, for him. I just want the best life for him. 

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