!!!! Important !!!!

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!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!

A/N -Hey, guys, just wanted to make a few quick explanations before I start! If you've read this before on one of my other works, you can skip over it, its just the same thing. If you've never read one of my works about the Kovoi before, PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE MOVING ON. It has important info for you if you want this to make sense!

               1. This story takes place WAY in the future. As a result, they have things like space travel, mulitple planets, etc.

               2. The Kovoi Order is an order of people dedicated to keeping the peace. They are the good guys. They have evil counterparts, called Solen. The Kovoi were founded by an Angel named Ashika. The Solen were founded by the Demon Prince Lucifer (a.k.a the Devil), who corrupted some of the early Kovoi.

               3. The Kovoi have special abilities, or gifts that are part of a larger force called Spirit. These include telekinesis, telepathy, super strength & speed, and several others. If I mention an ability that you don't understand or can't figure out, google it. I got most of my ideas from looking at a Wikipedia article about comic book heroes classic superpowers.

               4. There are things in here that are spelled funny, like place names, character races, different alien languages, and character names. Understand: these are meant to be this way. If it's capitalized or italicized, then it is meant to be spelled that way.

               5. One term you will frequently come across in this story is the word 'bondmate' or 'bonded'. This is a term used to describe a soulmate. It's described as a bond because when a Kovoi finds their soulmate, a mental connection forms between the two. They can talk to each other through it, feel each other's feelings, etc.

               6. An Adept is basically a super-charged Kovoi Knight. They have immense control over Spirit, and they wield all the spirit gifts. An Adept Ultimatum is similar, except that they are even more powerful than a regular adept. They have control over not only Spirit, but the forces of creation. An Ultimatum can be told from a regular adept by the presence of black markings, almost like tattoos that show on the skin of Ultimatums. One of these is rare, there are only about 3 throughout history. They are said to be different incarnations of the angel Ashika... Anyway, an Adept is immortal (most of the time) until they have fulfilled their purpose. An Adept pops up when something BIG is gonna happen, and they are meant to be a solution to the problems that come with the BIG thing. All adepts are unnaturally beautiful, and they always find their bondmates.

                7. In this world, there is definately such thing as ghosts. They stick around for any number of reasons, but not everyone can see them, and unless a person has a Seer's abilities, they can't be seen if they don't want to.

                 8. When you see this: -- it means that someone is communicating telepathically.

                 9. The main setting of these stories is the capital planet of the United Territories, called Mosimola, in the city of Canthalla.

        Finally: THIS IS NOT A FANFICTION. This is MY original idea. I know this may sound similar to some things, but bare with me, I'm only a high school student. I may have a few grammar mistakes here and there, so if you see one, let me know!

So go forth, my lovely readers, now that I have explained this strange world of my creation! Enjoy!

The first chapter should be up in just a few days, now that I've finally got my new tablet working, so be patient people. It's coming. ;)


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