"um stark we were just" i begin saying

"doing non age appropriate things in the training room instead of sleeping" stark says

"i don't wanna hear it anyways what are you doing awake" i ask

"was looking for you couldn't fall asleep i felt like i was forgetting something until i realized its the witches birthday so i went to go check your room and you weren't there. knowing you i took a guess that you were in her alone.what i didn't expect was to see you making out with this boy" stark begins saying

"Pietro" pietro tells him

"right Pietro no interruptions now don't worry no one will know what happened in exchange for your forgiveness " stark says

"isn't that blackmail" i say

"maybe maybe not" stark says

"fine your forgiven" i say

"okay good because i can give you your gift now happy birthday kid" stark says

He hands me a small black box. Inside was a pair of black throwing knives with my initials in green.

"thanks stark i love it" i say

"your welcome kid now hit the hay its 1:00 in the morning we leave in 2 hours go rest up" he says

"yes sir" i say grabbing pietros hand

"separately please" stark says

"we will" i say letting go

We walk back to my room and he goes in with me. I set the box down and replace my old knives with the new ones.

"why do you have so much green" pietro asks

"its my favorite color it reminds me of nature" i say

I pick up my sweatpants and tank top and head to my bathroom.

"ill be back" i say

When i get out i see hes looking at the photo of me and Loki.

"its this your boyfriend everyone talks about" he asks

"he was my boyfriend for about 3 hours he got killed in a battle" i say

"im am sorry for your loss" he tells me

"dont i really dont want to cry today" i say

"okay so lets go to sleep or we could do something else" he says making his way to my bed

"your funny im going to sleep maybe tomorrow if we live" i say

"and if we don't live" he says

"we will" i say

"so sleeping?" he says

"yes but go to your room your not allowed on my bed" i say

"really?" he says

"nah im just messing with you but fair warning i do kick so" i say

"understood" he says

We both get under the sheets and i begin falling asleep. I hear him say goodnight to me and wrap his arm around me. I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Cap.

"Val we leave in 20 get ready wake the twins,and we'll talk about this later" he says pointing at Pietro asleep next to me

"no we won't i get special privilege today" i say smiling at him

"your lucky its your birthday" he tells me

"yes i am now anything else" i ask

"happy birthday kid but hurry up and get ready" he says pulling me into a hug

"okay enough hugs go i have to get ready." i tell him

I wake up Pietro and tell him to wake up his sister to get ready. I change into my suit and place the ring on my finger. Lets hope this goes good. I walk out of my room to see wanda and pietro there waiting for me. She's wearing Nats jacket. I dont say anything and smile at them. I begin walking to the quinjet and they follow. When we get in there i sit playing with the ring until someone grabs my hand. Pietro.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." steve says

"nice pep talk did you have it written down or is it just off the top of your head" i ask

"both actually" steve responds smiling at me

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