anxiety ridden mr clean (manga time &spoilers woowoowoowoowoo)

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fun fact it makes my day when yall vote and comment and stuff so dont be shy 


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Guess who forgot about this shit show lmao

Reading back on these chapters is literal hell who let me talk like that :/

akagi,, akagi akagi akagi,,,, love he

he's so old and tired but he's cute and emotionally exhausted men is my kink /j

Idk there's just something about a duo that consists of a giant himbo/herbo and their Tired Parent(tm) that I just love.. so much....

I'd become his infinite supply of hand sanitation wipes I swear, please sir just let me hold your hand <3
I'd treat him so nicely and take him on cute (clean) dates and I'll make him feel so loved. So appreciated.

I don't know how to cook but I will learn for him. Because I yearn for him.  Spitting fucking bars over here

Akagi is so rarely talked about and it makes me so upset, everyone always talks about Mihai, Inugami, kabane, etc and while they are fantastic characters the funny tired fox man deserves some love too!!

I get that Kaede is a fun character and all but actual props to akagi for dealing with him because I know for a fact the 5th fucking time id have to tell him the plan or whatever id lose it and just murder him myself (and get folded in the process but shh)

Mans just out here casually telling kaedes rights and lefts for him without batting an eye AND dealing with him after his shift is over?? I could never, also he needs higher security if he doesn't want kaede coming over to his house every single day

Also he's 5'5 lmfao

Short king <3

Sorry its short babes I realized I haven't updated in way too fuckin long and wanted to post SMH

Also if yer wondering why the grammar is better than usual its because I'm on my phone HAHAGDH

shout out to the 5 people from ireland who've read this story lmfao

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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