Chapter 1: Police?

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I don't know what to do..I don't know where I should look! Violetta keeps trying to call German..she has tried more than 20 times and he still hasn't answered. Will Ben and Emma be safe? Will they both be missing me? Will they be scared? I miss them so much.

"Miss Angie..I don't know what to say...".

"There's nothing to say Olga! He's gone!".

"Calm down Angie...Mr German won't have do anything drastic".

I saw red and turned to face Ramallo..

"Drastic!? This is drastic enough..he might not hurt them..but this is wrong...all wrong!".

"Angie..i'll keep trying to call Dad, he can't of gone far".

"Yes keep doing so Vilu, I just need my son and daughter home safe & sound".

"Okay Angie".

The suddenly something clicked in my brain..

"Ramallo, come with me to German's office..their must be something on his computer telling me where he is or what he is doing".

"Miss Angie, i'll make you all some tea to steady your nerves". Olga went off in to the kitchen.

Ramallo nodded and off we went.

I grabbed a file of German's desk and ran my hands through the pages while Ramallo logged on to his computer.

"Ramallo, if you can find anything that links or tells us where they are...tell me straight away. I can't settle until I find them".

"Okay Angie".

I looked through the drawers of German's desks hoping to find something..I didn't. This was failing miserably. Then I turned to face Ramallo..


Ramallo shook his head...

I had to sit down.

"Well I know they haven't left the country...I've got Ben and Emma's passports".

"He's took the car..he could of driven out of the city Angie".

"It's all 'buts' and 'could of's'...why did he do this? Did he really think this is the way to solve everything?".

Violetta and Olga came through the door.

"Angie, i'm not trying to get at you..but did you think the way to solve everything was to move to Spain?".

"Yes Vilu, I did but obviously not now...not after this. There's only one thing for me to do..".

"What?" chimed Violetta, Olga and Ramallo at the same time.

"I have to call the police".


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