"Ready my dear?" He asked

"I'm not your dear." I said, slipping my arm through his outstretched one.

Together we walked to the Great Hall.

Maxon's P.O.V.

I watched as America tried wringing her hands.

"My dea- My darling." I asked

She looked into my eyes.

"I love you." I said, kissing her

I wrapped my arms around her and felt her muscles un-tense a bit.

"And I love you two, too." I said to her stomach

She grinned

"Ready?" I asked

"Ready." She said

We walked in.

Inside, Father was talking to the King of France. Mother was talking with the Queen of France and Daphne was stabbing at her eggs angrily.

"Your Majesty." I bowed in front of the King and Queen

"Hello Daphne!" I said as cheerfully as I could muster

I took her hand and kissed it.

She stared. But not at me. Past me. At America.

"Daphne. I don't believe you've met my wife, America Schreave?" I asked, returning to America's side

Daphne shook her head, cheeks red.

"Are.. Are you pregnant?" Daphne asked coldly. 

"Yes! Twins!" America smiled

"Amazing." She muttered

"Congratulations Maxon!" The King said and the Queen nodded

"My God. I must get to the Women's room Clarkson." Mother said

I heard America sigh and join Mother for their work.

"We must come with you!" Queen Flower gushed

Mother and Queen Flower looked thrilled at the idea. America and Daphne? Less.

I watched as they walked out.

America's P.O.V.

I watched as both Queens walked in front of me and Daphne. They were both chattering like teenage girls.

"I need to go to the rest room. Where is it?" Queen Flower asked

"I'll show you." Amberly offered

Queen Flower nodded

"Meet us at the Women's Room. Oh! America, Maxon told you about the plans for the eights this coming Report?" Amberly said

"Last night. We had fun last night." I smirked

Amberly covered her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing when Daphne's face turned red as a tomato.

The two Queens headed off and I led Daphne to the Women's Room.

"Why?!" She asked

"Excuse me?" I said, startled

"He was mine. I knew him first." She hissed

"You weren't in the Selection." 

"I don't care." She yelled

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