The past

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Everyone looked at them is disbelief before Sirius Black said "how is it possible!"

"Well James here decided to snoop in uncle Harry's office and when were tried to take the time turner away he fell and broke it!!!"

"Why does everyone always blame me!" James blurted out

"Because it is always you!!" all the future kids exclaimed

Then all of a sudden the golden trio and Ginny decided to walk downstairs and Lily Luna who is the biggest daddy's girl without thinking ran and jumped into Harry Potters arms yelling "Daddy!" Harry not wanting her to fall caught her looking astonished at what she said. James then ran over and toke her out of his arms and said

"Lily that is not our dad he is our time this is dad in his 5 year at Hogwarts."

"Well," Said Mrs.Weasley " why don't you tell us who you parents re then we can go eat."

Rose answered this time and said " mine and Hugo's parents and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in this time."

Albus then said "mine and James and Lily's parents are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley."

The four that were talked about blushed and looked away from each other when Mrs. Weasley said

"Why don't we all go to the kitchen and eat."

Which made both Ron and Hugo go "Yes." and run out of the room which made Fred and George say "like father like son."


Thanks to any one who read I will update next on Wednesday
- Emma

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