Chapter 3

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Matti giggled nervously then ran to her desk. After waiting for about 20 minutes she said, "Here it is... You say your name is Hermione Granger?" I nodded and she said, "Your parents are Lily and James Potter. They used to live in that wreck of a house until... until something bad happened." I lost my smile and asked, "What happened? Did they move somewhere else?" She sighed and whispered, "You-Know-Who killed them. They had a son, Harry, who's your brother. You-Know-Who tried to kill him, but he survived. That's why he's called "The Boy Who Lived." I was overly confused; having Muggle parents didn't help my knowledge much. At the time, I had no clue the wizard world existed then; I was convinced I was a Muggle like my parents. Before I got my letter, my parents didn't know I was special either.
I shrugged lightly and said,"Excuse me, Miss Mattie. I don't know who You-Know-Who is. After all, I'm only 10. Were the Potters famous? My parents don't tell me much about famous media." A woman in the back of the room gasped and said,"Are you sure? No one in your family has heard of You-Know-Who?" I nodded and said, "I haven't the foggiest who he is." The woman glared at Matti and said, "Do you know what you've done? Telling a muggle girl about him has serious consequences." I looked at her and said, "Are witches real?" She gasped slightly and said, "Little girl, what do you mean?" I shrugged and said, "It sound like your talking about an evil person, which reminds me of evil wizards in fairy tale books. It then made me think of witches, since if I want something to move sometimes, it does! One time with my mind, a book I was in the middle of reading flew off my dresser to my bed!" The women looked at me and said, "You have a gift, young lassie. You'll learn all about it when your 11. But until then, never again mention his name, or anything we told you." Matti picked me up and shoved me outside, and loses the door. I sighed and, while walking past Matti's, I saw a face in the window of the Potter's house. I gasped and ran to my bike, but when I turned around, the face was gone. All of a sudden, the white clouds turned into devilish gray color. I heard a droplet of water hit the ground, and I ran into the woods with my bike.

Harry Potter: The Forbidden Secretजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें