Question 3: Do you really like Christmas Pudding with Custard THAT much?

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My third question comes from HadesLover745

A: ....................................OMFG!!! (eyes gets wide, mouth opens up in joy and starts drooling all over floor and claps hands in excitment) YES!!!! TOTALLY YES!!!!!! And I don't just like it, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!! I could eat it 10,000 christmas puddings with custard for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday!!!!!!! As a matter of fact, I do sometimes when no one is looking, make 10,000 for myself, take it to my bedroom, lock the door and eat everything thing up, making sure none of it is left on the plate! Why I don't do it in front of Lumiere and the others is because Lumiere and others would call me a pig for eating so much pudding in a day. As a matter of fact, it has changed my stomach area, BUT I DON"T CARE!!!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS PUDDING WITH CUSTARD AND I WILL EAT AS MUCH AS I CAN OF IT!!! PERIOD!!!! :D  In fact, I'll go make some right now  and eat it in my room :)! 

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