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Ray went out for a walk through the shelter's woods, only the safe part though, he wasn't interested in fighting demons at the moment.

He walked by the lake, admiring the view, it was pretty. There were a few birds singing in the distance, the trees' leaves were being shaken by the wind and a nice breeze played with the noirette's hair.

It was peaceful but he couldn't help but feel uneasy, he felt there was a void in his interior that couldn't be filled anymore and in an attempt to try and fill it, it sucked everything inside Ray.

Suddenly a hooded figure appeared from in between the bushes.. Ray, who was never unprepared, took out his bow and started aiming and arrow at the stranger.

Much to his surprise, the unknown person hugged him making him drop his bow in the act.

Ray was confused as to why this stranger was hugging him, after all, it was strange for there to be unknown people, not to mention unknown people who hug you.

In an attempt to solve his doubts, he removed the person's hood and.....


The last eight months had been hell for the black-haired boy. He had made a bad choice and was now paying the price for it. His mistake had brought pain not only for himself but for his family too.

His mistake had been abandoning her...


"EMMA!!!!" Ray screamed as he saw how Emma, just after being captured by some kind of net, was being taken away from him.

Yuugo, the adult who was accompanying them while searching for Goldy Pond observed the situation.

"WE HAVE TO RESCUE EMMA!" the boy demanded.

"Sorry kid, she is being taken to Goldy Pond, your destination, and also a hunting ground for demons to have fun. Going there would be suicide"

"Suicide huh...?"

Ray had promised Emma he would live for his own sake and for his family's.

Suicide wasn't an option.

Maybe he should trust Mister this time.

Maybe he should trust Emma, knowing her, she would be able to survive and take a few kids with her, if not everyone, on the way.

Ray hoped the ginger would make it out alive




The black-haired boy thought he hadn't hoped enough. Emma had been missing ever since and there was no trace of her. It was almost as if she had vanished from the face of earth.

Ray had blamed himself over and over again. He had caught himself thinking "it's all my fault" more times that he could count.

He had promised to protect Emma and Norman.

He failed once.

Then once again.

They both died because of his incompetence.

Or so he thought




Ray started tearing up at the thought of this person being alive.. no, not the thought, the fact this person was alive.

The fact Emma was alive.

"Ray!!" Emma said, tears pouring out of her emerald eyes.

The boy was so shocked he was unable to formulate any words. All he could do was cry.

This concerned Emma.

"Ah.. sorry, it may be scary for a stranger to hug you out of nowhere, you see, i mistook you for-"

Ray hit Emma's head gently, interrupting her.

"Emma... idiot."

Two familiar words were enough for Emma to be sure she wasn't mistaken.

"Ray..." Emma said softly, she was practically sobbing.

He had missed her so much

She didn't know how much longer could she live without him.

They hugged.

They hugged each other, looking for the warmth they had been longing for all this time, for the warmth that made them feel at home.

They felt incomplete without the other.

They were like light and darkness.

Couldn't coexist without the other.

They compliment each other.

Being separated had been hell for both.

But now... 

Now they were together once again, hugging.

They finally felt at home

"Ray, i missed you"
"You obviously did. I mean, who wouldn't?" Ray said with a smirk on his face.
Emma chuckled. "No, but really, i missed you so much.."
"I missed you too, Emma." The noirette said, replacing the smirk on his face with a genuine and soft smile.

"More than you could ever imagine" this words were true but were left unsaid.

Ray was glad.

He could finally see a tomorrow where he knew Emma was alive and well.

A tomorrow where she could make him smile.

A tomorrow where they could be together.


The End

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