3: ꜱᴀᴠɪᴏʀ.

283 11 12

A/N: guess who tf is back 😍😍

Y/n's POV:

Right after that monster finished it's sentence, I started trembling in fear 'whatamigonnasowhatamigo-' in a flash it took a pounce.

I was done for.

I felt myself retract from the ground with a swift movement, an arm I think picked me up.

"WHATS GOING ON?!" I shout, clinging to their waist.  "Stay quiet! Please, the sound will make it easier for them to locate us!" The stranger insisted.

Boy was this person hella fast, we rushed through the place into a hideout. They put me down, the second I was placed onto the floor I collapsed, sobbing.

My weeps bounced off the walls of the building, which could be heard a couple feet away from the building. "Hey hey, quiet down kiddo. The poachers will find us.." The stranger patted my pack comforting me.

I looked at the stranger, in dismay. "Poachers?.." I question. Keep in mind this was my first time looking at them in the face, they had red-ish hair. A scar also covering their cheek. I assumed he was a male.

"Oh, you don't know." He later told me the whole story of what the so called "poachers" are. This traumatized me I say, traumatized.

Once he realized he'd scarred me he started freaking out, waving his hands "I'm sorry! I didn't expect this to scare you!"

After I calmed down he handed me some food. "Since I haven't introduced myself yet, my names Lucas. I've been stranded at this mayhem of a place for years." Tilting my head slightly, dumbfounded what he meant. It later clicked, he meant this place, sheesh I'm lowkey dumb.

"Oh, so umm... what is this place exactly Lucas? And how did you get here?" I asked. He then again told a pretty long explanation of what this place was and how he got here. This hellhole was called "Goldy pond", like the demon said. Eventually the music stopped, leaving me at rest. The music pretty much made my ears kinda bleed.

I also didn't mention, while the music was still playing I heard, gunshots? Do the demons have some sort of weapons or something? This later ran through my mind for a hot minute. Then out of the blue I asked why there were gunshots "Lucas, what are those gunshots for? Do the demons have some sort of weapons? If so, they'd probably be shooting other people.. So there's other people here, right?"

"Yes there are other people here and the guns? The demons don't act-" He was later interrupted by a kid bursting through the entrance of our chat space, "We have a total of 1 person killed, and 7 injured!" The kid shouted. My head darted towards the kid. We locked eyes.

'I recognize those eyes..'

I felt the corners of my eyes sting.

"O-Oliver?..." I falter

"Y/n..." He continued

Word count: 484

A/N: srry 4 the cliff hanger ☹️‼️‼️

ᴍᴇᴛᴀɴᴏɪᴀ - ᴏʟɪᴠᴇʀ x ꜰ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz